1. 12.
    66 çıktı amq
  2. 11.
    18 çıktı , ama oysaki 12.5 falandım ben
  3. 10.
    122 / 5 çıktı hacı ne kadar ömrüm kalmış
  4. 9.
    @9,@10 amorti van suku
  5. 8.
    97 çıktı amk
  6. 7.
    32 amk tüh
  7. 6.
    @6,@7 amorti verdim sukunuzu
  8. 5.
    öhöm öhöm bayanlar okuyorum;

    Expression: 16 / 7
    Yours is the path of the mind. Silence and solitude are your doorways into the deep recesses of the mind and the universe. You are the philosopher, the analyst, the seeker and if you'd be willing, the teacher. The time and energy that you spend discovering the microscopic core of things has gifted you with the ability to tap into psychic energy. It is with this energy that you can separate the true from the false.

    Soul Urge: 2
    Peace and harmony is your desire. You are a natural mediator as you are genuine, tactful and adaptable. You tend to put your own will aside for others and it is difficult for you to make decisions. This may cause others to see you as shy, or lacking confidence. Your sensitivity and gentleness can be a great healing force bringing harmony and support to others.

    Personality: 14 / 5
    You've got charisma, and a following to prove it. You live by your belief that change is progress, and so there tends to be a quick turn over in your relationships, jobs and even educational interests. You are the proverbial, " jack of all trades-master of none.", and this gives you a multi-dimensionality that befriends you to people of every walk of life. You are colorful in your dress and possess a magnetic sensuality.
  9. 4.
    31 çıktı ne yapcaz şimdi?
  10. 3.
    up up up
  11. 2.
    107 çıktı amk
  12. 1.
    let the game begins binler. 2010 mhp 40. yıl şenlikleri çerçevesinde düzenlenen oyuna hoş geldiniz.


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    4.cıkan sayfada altta expression yazan yerdeki ilk rakam nickinin toplamı

    nick: kesh
    numaralar: 2+5+1+8=16 no şuku amk.

    Nick toplamı 40 çıkana 40 şuku
    Nick toplamı 39,41 çıkana 5 şuku
    Her yazana 1 şuku

    sıra sizde binler