1. 26.
    Sanma şâhım herkesi sen sâdıkâne yâr olur
    Herkesi sen dost mu sandın belki ol ağyâr olur
    Sâdıkâne belki ol bu âlemde dildâr olur
    Yâr olur ağyâr olur dildâr olur serdâr olur

    bunuda çevirin yannan capsimi atacam amk
  2. 27.
    @22 :D ebenin amı lan :D yannan capsini napalım hem :D
  3. 28.
    @20 panpa @22 yi gibsene panpa be :D
  4. 29.
    @22 yavuz sultan seilimin muhteşem dörtlüğünü yazmışsın.
    Sago da gölge haramileri şarkısında kullanmıştı.
    kültürsüz bin değiliz yani.
    çeviririm;ama tak gibi olur oradaki derin anlamı hiç bir dilde veremezsin.
    kendine has bir edebiyatı var sonuçta.


    Don't think my king that everbody can be a loyal love.
    Do you think that everbody is your ally? Maybe they're strangers.
    Be loyal, maybe there could be fellows in this universe.
    May be love, stranger,love, monarch.

    edit2: @25 translate'ine atlarım senin.
  5. 30.
    +1 -1
    @ 22

    Sahin do not think anyone would you loyal lover
    Become a friend Did you think you maybe everyone will aðyar
    DiLDAR in this world would be perhaps loyal
    Lisa will be Yar Dildar will be aðyar
  6. 31.
    Sakirtlere ve akplilere bi ceviride burdan
    The enemies conspiring against your independence and your Republic may have behind them a victory unprecedented in the annals of the world. It may be that, by violence and trickery, all the fortresses of your beloved fatherland may be captured, all its shipyards occupied, all its armies dispersed and every corner of the country invaded. And sadder and graver than all these circumstances, those who hold power within the country may be in error, misguided and may even be traitors.
  7. 32.
    Don't think my king that everbody can be a loyal love.
    Do you think that everbody is your ally? Maybe they're strangers.
    Be loyal, maybe there could be fellows in this universe.
    May be love, stranger,love, monarch.
  8. 33.
    @25 translate sayılmaz amcık
    @27 saygılar
  9. 34.
  10. 35.
    Eyvallah panpalar, başınız sıkışırsa yollayın çeviririm kısa şeyleri.