0you type 301 characters per minute
you have 42 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
(bkz: http://www.incicaps.com/r/ams-iki-giber.jpg/g/2801/) -
0noldu lan oldum mu?
bu da yazılı hali:
You type 434 characters per minute
You have 66 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0You type 209 characters per minute
You have 27 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words -
0you reached 412 points, so you achieved position 2 of 9416 on the ranking list
you type 674 characters per minute
you have 90 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0You type 264 characters per minute
You have 40 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words
8 parmak yazdım aq -
0you type 402 characters per minute
you have 43 correct words and
you have 7 wrong words -
0You reached 270 points, so you achieved position 618 of 9389 on the ranking list
You type 340 characters per minute
You have 53 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0Pardon kafayı yeme olayı yokmuş çünkü aldığımız puan yazdığımız kelime sayısına göre değil girdiğimiz karakter sayısına göreymiş.
0Beyler test iyiden iyiye kafayı yedi. Az önce 93 doğru kelimeye bir yanlış yaptım yine 472 puan verdi bir önceki capsde yaptığım ile aynı puan bu. Kaldı ki bi de 30lardaydım. Millet kaç puan yapıyor ki yahu?
0You type 323 characters per minute
You have 48 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0you type 295 characters per minute
you have 38 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0You type 831 characters per minute
You have 115 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words -
0you reached 320 points, so you achieved position 219 of 8849 on the ranking list
you type 398 characters per minute
you have 62 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0you type 364 characters per minute
you have 30 correct words and
you have 22 wrong words
beyler ben özürlüyüm -
0You reached 250 points, so you achieved position 829 of 8748 on the ranking list
You type 304 characters per minute
You have 43 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0You type 2289 characters per minute
You have 450 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0You reached 324 points, so you achieved position 199 of 8719 on the ranking list
You type 430 characters per minute
You have 60 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0you reached 250 points, so you achieved position 821 of 8688 on the ranking list
you type 361 characters per minute
you have 54 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words -
0you type 299 characters per minute
you have 48 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0You reached 128 points, so you achieved position 4217 of 8621 on the ranking list
You type 153 characters per minute
You have 22 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 13 01 2025
610 bin tlsi olan adam adamın dibidir
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çıkarınn beni bu cehennemden
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amlı varmı kontrole geldim
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560 bini olan adam günün nasıl geçti
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ne gassalı
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560bin tl olan adam insan eti satiyor
los angeles i serkan inci yakmış
ferdi benim babam değildir
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