0You type 259 characters per minute
You have 33 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
asdbhjasd kendi rekorumu kırdım amk -
0You type 304 characters per minute
You have 45 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0you type 321 characters per minute
you have 43 correct words and
you have 4 wrong words -
0ahahaha yine kırdım amk
You type 283 characters per minute
You have 41 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words -
0yanlıslıkla 2 kere entera bastım ak :D
0you reached 307 points, so you achieved position 134 of 7510 on the ranking list
you type 398 characters per minute
you have 58 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
yeterli sanırım -
0You reached 297 points, so you achieved position 171 of 7513 on the ranking list
0you type 278 characters per minute
you have 46 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words -
0you type 333 characters per minute
you have 59 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words -
0You reached 210 points, so you achieved position 1142 of 7518 on the ranking list
0you type 389 characters per minute
0You type 483 characters per minute
You have 76 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
yeterli mi binler
http://www.incicaps.com/resimler/asddddddddd.jpg -
0you reached 181 points, so you achieved position 1862 of 7649 on the ranking list
you type 281 characters per minute
you have 37 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words -
0ananızı giberim bakın capsli hemde öyle zütten sallamayın caps koyun zütünüz yiyorsa
http://www.incicaps.com/resimler/xdxd-1.jpg -
0bende böyle yaptım
you type 997 characters per minute
you have 0 correct words and
you have 274 wrong words -
0You type 335 characters per minute
You have 21 correct words and
you have 19 wrong words -
0you reached 165 points, so you achieved position 2467 of 7793 on the ranking list
you type 257 characters per minute
you have 36 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words -
0You type 365 characters per minute
You have 55 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0You reached 252 points, so you achieved position 571 of 7775 on the ranking list
You type 355 characters per minute
You have 47 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
çıkarınn beni bu cehennemden
ilkokuldayken siniftaki kızları döverdim
tylerr dursun burayaa gel
cccrammsteinccc günaydın başlığı cügü rekoru
maske kafali ibo
yatiyom ben ya
ılki inci sozluk 3 ay uyeligi kapatiniz
lahana haşlamiştim kendime
konstant ile öpüşmek
amlı varmı kontrole geldim
köylü dedemi öldürdümmm
baaassslliiiikk aaaccciiin noooorrrr
türkiyenin dünyadan övgü aldığı video
gözümü ifşalıyorum beyyler
gapdan girk beri bag hele
biciksüel olmayan gay erkeklere ne denir
los angeles i serkan inci yakmış
nee erkek penisimi yalayacaksınız
ınci sözlük geyler odası
gay pataklayan allah şahidim olsun ki
ne gassalı
560bin tl olan adam insan eti satiyor
gran torino sana selam getirdim
maske kafali ibrahim nikli yazar
çaycı hüseyin kendine bir horozz alsa
gassal izleyen ve ya izlemiş ne kadar insan varsa
560bin tlsi olan dalama cok simarmis
buyuk fontla yazi yazan
wow girl olarak meme uçlarim
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