
Kendini ifade et !
  1. 1.
    +3 -1
    My dick, is big, my dick is very big
    My dick is big, it's big, my dick is very big
    I suck his dick, it's big, it's very very big

    I lick his dick, it's big, it's very very big
    My dick so big it needs its own
    My dick so big it lives next door
    My dick so big, that all i want
    Is fuck the world (is fuck the world)
    My dick so big it touch the sky
    i check it as luggage when i fly
    My dick so big it's behind you
    It follows you (it's follows you)
    My dick is big (check it out)
    It's big (check it out)
    My dick is big (check it out)
    (Oh fuck)
    His dick is big (check it out)
    It's big (check it out)
    I lick his dick
    Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick
    (Check it out)
    My dick, is big, my dick is very big
    My dick is big, it's big, my dick is very big
  2. 2.
    Efsane şarkı :DagsgshD:
  3. 3.
    Beyin amcıklaması yaratan sarkı
  4. 4.
    Bizi okuyun
  5. 5.
    Okuyun bizi
  6. 6.
    garip bi sarki
