
Bu altincide saçmalamak serbest !
  1. 1.
    +129 -2
    and what do I get... guard duty
  2. 2.
    "I used to be an adventurer like you, then ı took an arrow in the knee... "
    1. 1.
      Let me guess... someone stole your sweet roll... 
    2. 2.
      "Bit late to be wandering around, isn't it?"
    3. 3.
      Hey, I know who you are, hail sithis.
    4. 4.
      "Helgen... destroyed by a dragon. Hard to believe, isn't it?"
    5. 5.
      Let me feel the power of your thum
    6. 6.
      Be carefull dragon born
    7. 7.
      "Guard might get nervous, a man/woman approaches with his/her weapon drawn... "
    8. 8.
      Selamin aleyküm
      1. 1.
        aleyküm selam :D
    9. 9.
      Allah'ın selamı senin de üzerine olsun.
    10. diğerleri 7
  3. 3.
    Psttt. I know who you are . Hail Sithis
  4. 4.
    Adam koskoca dragonbornla biri hamur tatlinimi caldi diye dalga gecerdi amk
  5. 5.
    If ı didnt get flamed by a dragon ı would be a great warrior.
  6. 6.
    By the order of the jarl, stop right there !
  7. 7.
    Arrow knee xd biri hamur tatlınimi çaldı
    1. 1.
      Wait, I know you
    2. 2.
      Your are mistake
  8. 8.
    "Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?"
  9. 9.
    Sözlüğün seviyesini yükseltmeyin amk
  10. 10.
    What is it?! Dragons?
  11. 11.
    Stop right there criminal scum! Oblivion aqar
  12. 12.
    You've commited crimes against skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense ?
  13. 13.
    Sözlüğün ingilizce seviyesi tavan
  14. 14.
    True nords never back down!
  15. 15.
    bu adam hayatınızda görebileceğiniz en samıt adamdır
    1. 1.
      Samıt ne panpa
    2. 2.
      mal demek bizim burda
  16. 16.
    Süngü takın
    1. 1.
      +1 -1
      Helal et
      Beyler hangi ırk en güzel sizce?
      Edit: Teşekkürler beyler
      1. 1.
        Dunmer giber
      2. 2.
        Hep khajit alırım, gizlilik için çok iyi.
    2. 2.
      suikastci olcaksan elf
      savasci olcaksan ork
      buyucu olcaksan breton oneririm
  17. 17.
    let me guess. someone stole your sweetroll
  18. 18.
    Someone do something
  19. 19.
    "Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there."
  20. 20.
    "I am sworn to carry your burdens"