0You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Stranger 1: who
Stranger 1: who comes for me
Stranger 2: I'm going to say hi *
Stranger 2: It's a so g
Stranger 1: hey
Stranger 2: Song*
Stranger 1: ohh I didn't know that
Stranger 2: "Bad boys, bad boys , watcha ganna do watcha gonna do when they come for u"
Stranger 1: ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Stranger 1: soory im a blonde so not really smart
Stranger 2: Hey that's a super stir ion
Stranger 2: Stition*
Stranger 1: I know its just funny to say that
Stranger 2: That some blondes use as an excuse for being idiots
Stranger 1: yeah but im actually smart on certain things,but easily jullable
Stranger 2: Mhm
Stranger 1: yeah
Stranger 2: Well nice talking
Stranger 2 has disconnected -
0up up up
0You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Stranger 2: Nothing
Stranger 2: ?
Stranger 2: That's not an answer
Stranger 1: Thats the song he's quoting.
Stranger 2: No
Stranger 2: He's not
Stranger 1: Bad boys by Inner Circle.
Stranger 2: Where are the ""
Stranger 1: Look up the lyrics you fucking poon.
Stranger 2: Yeah so
Stranger 1: You think everyone on here is grammatically correct?
Stranger 2: They are just words
Stranger 2: So no lyrics
Stranger 1: You're that guy.
Stranger 1: You're the guy that got bullied in middle and high school.
Stranger 2: No I'm not
Stranger 2: I was the tough one
Stranger 1: So comes on Omegle to make himself superior.
Stranger 1: Bullshit.
Stranger 2: I had all girlfriends
Stranger 1: Your first lie.
Stranger 2: Dump'd them all
Stranger 1: Your second.
Stranger 1: Your third.
Stranger 2: didn't need them
Stranger 1: Fucking bullshit
Stranger 1: you're a nerd.
Stranger 2: i'm not lying bro
Stranger 1: Who got bullied.
Stranger 1: And wished he got girls.
Stranger 2: I didn't I was the tough one ffs
Stranger 1: Bullshit
Stranger 2: Deal with it
Stranger 1: fucking bullshit
Stranger 2: I was the tough one
Stranger 1: you're a little faggot
Stranger 2: But later I start with the internet
Stranger 1: You weren't tough
Stranger 1: you got bullied
Stranger 2: Nothing to say bruh?
Stranger 1: I just said it.
Stranger 1: Are you unable to read nerd?
Stranger 2: lel
Stranger 1: Well done, you can read.
Stranger 2: MAD MAN MAD MAN
Stranger 2: lel
Stranger 1: Faggot.
Stranger 2: watja guna do wn dey com 4 u
Stranger 2: Lel
Stranger 1: Go back to 4chan
Stranger 1 has disconnected -
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