0the first rule of fight club is: you do not talk about fight club. the second rule of fight club is: you do not talk about fight club! third rule of fight club: if someone yells "stop!", goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over. fourth rule: only two guys to a fight. fifth rule: one fight at a time, fellas. sixth rule: the fights are bare knuckle. no shirt, no shoes, no weapons. seventh rule: fights will go on as long as they have to. and the eighth and final rule: if this is your first time at fight club, you have to fight.
0keep it short bastard
0yes i have a dream imagine all the people in the world dancing and touching each other in a joyful harmony
0it doesn't matter for us... for me
big games easy then the other games, unfortunately!!!
everytimes we have the control the games,
under the control the games,
during the games, we have the some possibility, some big chances, some big okaziyons
something like that but... what can I do... sometimes... and it's the football
that's the football something happened
everything is something happened
but anyway now is in the TABELE
we have to seen the situ-ation
now is second... position... and one point more
I don't want to see the back
I want to see , I want to see the front
I hope so tomorrow my teams... -
0im gonna make him an offer he can t refuse
0can you özet geç bin?
0am züt meme
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 08 01 2025
senin derdin ders çalışmak değil
yksde 1 milyonuncu olmuş birinin
chatgptye apo hain midir diye soruyorum
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 09 01 2025
nerde o eskiden sex purna hikayesi yazanlar
bi uykumuz vardı onuda
telegramda her kitabin pdfsi var
benim beddualar tutar 2016 da bahiste
şaftı kaymış merzifon eşeğii
madem tivanx sin
ulam bir meme la
alfa kuşağı
gwanypline cami say lan orosbunun cocgu
geypelin niye hep sozluktesin dostum
fakir adam da alkol sigara içmesin amk
goriller insan olursa ne olur
evlat diye kucagina aldigin
neden tüm muhalefet birleşip erken seçim mitingi
kadin dovmek
nba deki kiss cam
alalhkn fotosu bende acilmafi
mecidiyeköyde gibtiğim inci yazarı
jose morarinyo
arap milleti üstündür arap milleti allahtır
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