0ok guys. i said ok guys!! lets not feed this troll. since the new members have come, some trolls are expected within them anyway. so, this is just one of 'em. just dont feed him anymore and lets see whats gonna be next. period!
0hey, i assume that you don't trust me. Oh well, i know i seem to be naive but in fact i really am naive. despite of my naive personality i am also shy but not stupid. Also i'm glad that you speak english so well. maybe we should write eachother?
0@64 reserved ne oluyo?
0@65 bırak bu merakı harun abi rahata tak kendini
0@66 rahat olayım peki, zamanla öğrenirim.
oley -
0aazına patır patır sıçarm
0huur çocuğu
0patır patır mı? dediğin şey çok kaba ama güldüm
annem hakkında konuşma -
0ciksinci ciks için yaşayan demek, üye olurken sözlük karakterini analiz eder ve sana bir sıfat yapıştırır.
mesela ben durmadan kuru yemiş yiyen biriyim.
sen de ciks istiyormuşsun -
+1@71 yemişsin yiyeceğini zaten kuruyemişlik halin kalmamış züt
-1amaç geyik yapmak @1 bu yani başka bişey yok ayrıca burda takılıyosan azıcık küfür et ve oranın buranın capsını atarsan seni çok severiz burda beyler eskiden dötüncü hesabım vardı silik yedi yeni bende eskilerdenim artislenmeyin bana
0@63 this is inci. in here noone is naive but sly dog. even if you are as you describe yourself, you r gonna change it by time. plus, noone suddenly decides to join such platform without followin it for a while. that means if you feel shy, you would not even mention that you are a girl and you are new as long as you know what is goin on in here. we assume all the gender proovers or exhibitionist as some kind a harun abi or gay or whatever you call it so. there are a lot of girls in here in real and they usually do not feel like prooving or clarifying their gender to attract more attention. if you wanna chat with me then you should use the message tool in order to keep contact. otherwise im gonna forget like all other entries that i entered a time ago
0yaşlandık lan sübyancılığın alemi yok
0please , just shut the fuck up. no one cares what do you think about her. just show some respect to her. she is newcomer thats right, but its not mean that we should talk to her disrespective. thanks.
0is there any disrespective word in my entries, you wise ass? if there is some disrespective dumb fuck in here it is you but anyone else. im trying to tell her that she/he should not have to be one of those trolls since we have plenty of them already. so shut your fucking mouth and try to understand what is written instead of imposing your useless and bullshit opinion about what i am doing or what im supposed to do. go play in your sand box u lil jerk!
0uzun zamandır gelmiyordum ciksinciler çıkmış lan oh rahatladım dıbına koyim
beyler 4 şubatta 36 yaşında olacağım
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