/i/Yabancı Dil

  1. 1.
    Sometimes we want to establish a special relationship with someone from opposite sex. We want to have somebody to share our feelings, want to feel the deeply. But what is the matter of these really? Should we always go for it even if we know that it will end in suffer?
  1. 2.
    Love is basically a need for someone to share our feelings with. A way to achieve emotional orgasm, maybe that's why we are less sexual when we have a crush. We want that special somebody to deeply love us. We want a small kiss or a warm hug just to be feel loved.
  2. 3.
    Why we need to be loved? Probably because our ego wants ourselves to be known. Having your existence important for somebody else. Making someone think about you, care about you. Love is actually a reflection of our ego.
  3. 4.
    The need for our existences importance is actually caused by effects of Humanism movement. This puts human in the centre. Makes us the priority for ourselves. This is why old love stories always focus on marriage while modern love relationships doesn't require a marriage.
    1. 1.
      modern love relationships doesn't
      relationshipS DON'T
  4. 5.
    Well then... I am a human in modern world after all and the influence of enviroment caused me to also have need for somebody. But we have a problem. To be continued...
  5. 6.
    have need for somebody gördüğüm ve duyduğum en kötü, Türkçe\'den ingilizceye çevirme çabası amk