1. 1.
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    2012.06.08 00:05:13 40.8437 27.9033 18.1 -.- 2.8 -.- MARMARA EREĞLiSi AÇIKLARI-TEKiRDAĞ (MARMARA DENiZiilksel
    2012.06.08 00:00:27 40.8653 27.9377 12.7 -.- 3.2 -.- MARMARA EREĞLiSi AÇIKLARI-TEKiRDAĞ (MARMARA DENiZiilksel
    2012.06.07 23:54:25 40.8483 27.9210 14.9 -.- 5.1 -.- MARMARA EREĞLiSi AÇIKLARI-TEKiRDAĞ (MARMARA DENiZiilksel

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    Mercury(II) is the most common oxidation state and is the main one in nature as well. All four mercuric halides are known. The form tetrahedral complexes with other ligands but the halides adopt linear coordination geometry, somewhat like Ag+ does. Best known is mercury(II) chloride, an easily sublimating white solid. HgCl2 forms coordination complexes that are typically tetrahedral, e.g. HgCl42–.
    Mercury(II) oxide, the main oxide of mercury, arises when the metal is exposed to air for long periods at elevated temperatures. It reverts to the elements upon heating near 400 °C, as was demonstrated by Priestly in an early synthesis of pure oxygen.[7] Hydroxides of mercury are poorly characterized, as they are for its neighbors gold and silver.
    Being a soft metal, mercury forms very stable derivatives with the heavier chalcogens. Preeminent is mercury(II) sulfide, HgS, which occurs in nature as the ore cinnabar and is the brilliant pigment vermillion. Like ZnS, HgS crystallizes in two forms, the reddish cubic form and the black zinc blende form.[5] Mercury(II) selenide (HgSe) and mercury(II) telluride (HgTe) are also known, these as well as various derivatives, e.g. mercury cadmium telluride and mercury zinc telluride being semiconductors useful as infrared detector materials.[32]
    Mercury(II) salts form a variety of complex derivatives with ammonia. These include Millon's base (Hg2N+), the one-dimensional polymer (salts of HgNH2+)n), and "fusible white precipitate" or [Hg(NH3)2]Cl2. Known as Nessler's reagent, potassium tetraiodomercurate(II) (HgI42–) is still occasionally used to test for ammonia owing to its tendency to form the deeply colored iodide salt of Millon's base.
    Mercury fulminate is a detonator widely used in explosives.[5]
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    Solution We are to discuss the physical significance of the four nondimensional parameters in the nondimensionalized incompressible Navier-Stokes equation.
    Analysis The four parameters are discussed individually below:
    􀂃 Strouhal number: St is the ratio of some characteristic flow time to some period of oscillation. If St << 1, the oscillation period is very large compared to the characteristic flow time, and the problem is quasi-steady; the unsteady term in the Navier-Stokes equation may be ignored. If St >> 1, the oscillation period is very short compared to the characteristic flow time, and the unsteadiness dominates the problem; the unsteady term must remain.
    􀂃 Euler number: Eu is the ratio of a characteristic pressure difference to a characteristic pressure due to fluid inertia. If Eu << 1, pressure gradients are very small compared to inertial pressure, and the pressure term can be neglected in the Navier-Stokes equation. If Eu >> 1, the pressure term is very large compared to the inertial term, and must remain in the equation.
    􀂃 Froude number: Fr is the ratio of inertial forces to gravitational forces. Note that Fr appears in the denominator of the nondimensionalized Navier-Stokes equation. If Fr << 1, gravitational forces are very large compared to inertial forces, and the gravity term must remain in the Navier-Stokes equation. If Fr >> 1, gravitational forces are negligible compared to inertial forces, and the gravity term in the Navier-Stokes equation can be ignored.
    􀂃 Reynolds number: Re is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces. Note that Re appears in the denominator of the nondimensionalized Navier-Stokes equation. If Re << 1, viscous forces are very large compared to inertial forces, and the viscous term must remain. (In fact, it may dominate the other terms, as in creeping flow). If Re >> 1, viscous forces are negligible compared to inertial forces, and the viscous term in the Navier-Stokes equation can be ignored. Note that this applies only to regions outside of boundary layers, because the characteristic length scale for a boundary layer is generally much smaller than that for the overall flow.
    Discussion You must keep in mind that the approximations discussed here are appropriate only in certain regions of the flow
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    deprem dediniz
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    ntv izleyin panpalar. marmara fay hattı hareketteymiş artçılar olabilirmiş. lütfen önleminizi alın düdük müdük cidden dalga geçmeden yanınızda bulunsun

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