0Linear thinking is the process by which “linear thinkers” put things in order as they experience them and how they express them. Their thinking process proceeds in a sequential manner, like a straight line. A straight line between two points is the most efficient way to get from one place to another. Both intake and outflow are predictable and efficiently and orderly presented, considered, learned and written.
Most people learn, think and express themselves in linear fashion. Reading starts at the left and proceeds straight across to the right. In a learning situation like a classroom the teacher speaks while she writes on the board starting at the left and moving in a straight line to the right. Linear thinking people find it easy to follow along with her.
Putting things in order is easy and fun. You can put things in size order, starting at either the biggest or the smallest, or alphabetical order, or in order of importance and so on. Order is how things are accomplished. You proceed in an orderly fashion from the beginning to the end to accomplish your goal. -
0lineer cebir var ama dediğin felsefeye giriyor galiba kanka
0Valla ben bi' lineer cebiri biliyorum onu da adamakıllı bilemiyormuşum ki mesleği bıraktım.
(Maksat up) -
0Ne bu ödev falan mı panpa
0final ödevi panpam adam acımamış olmayan bir şeyi istemiş herhalde hiçbir yerde yok.
0Matematikle falan mı ilgili. Ne diyim valla kolay gelsin sanki biz yedik o yarasayı öyle ödev veriyolar
0yanlış saatte geldim herhalde
0ilk defa başlık upluyorum
+1lineer düşünme nedir bilen var mı? bir örnek verebilir misiniz acil lazım panpalar
başlık yok! burası bom boş!