0@40 dude it's fucking doom time. i expect nothing from life. war is approaching between armenians (i mean sons of bitches) and azerbaijan, between us (or nato) and syria. it could start the World War 3.
0what are you talking about?!
0@43 dude i can speak english with nobody in normal life. so, i'm forgetting because of not using. i found this topic to improve and remember. do you think i miss that kind of chance? of course it'll get that much entries. there should be a lot of people like me.
0@44 should start a war.. cause the human beings needs a lesson..so its (the war) 'might' be a lesson.
0open cam
0@46 it must be i can't speak..is it?
0we can speak engliş we are so cool take that non-english speakers zaaaaaaaazi
+2ccc the traditional crew who has seen the morning was here ccc
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0topics like this makes my night fellas. great chance for practicing some writing skills.
0@52 catch your prize
0@47 no dude. i think people got their lesson from the WW2 i mean europeans and americans. but the current situation in middle east is very tight. and middle eastern countries never learn any lesson. we know it from saddam. he didn't get the most important lesson from iran war. never co-operate with usa (or any kind of big countries. because those countries just think about their benefits. not that little countrie's.). that is the most important lesson. any kind of spark can start a very big fire in that area now.
0@44 so you're saying that there is a war coming and thats the only thing that matters, it keeps you back from having expectations? i don't agree that. i don't think that there is a coming war or something related to chaos or any disaster. i have nothing, i dream a lot but even i don't believe the most realistic stories. i feel like everyday is the same and it will be like that forever
0@50 no dude. i said, i can speak with "nobody". that's why i said "i can". but i could say "i cannot" speak with "anybody", though.
0@58 useful person for this heading
0do you play tennis with my penis?
i run each team
my english isn't good sir -
0ccc sun rises nighties go down good bye ccc
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0@60 do you play football with my balls?
0@56 do you really think amercans take their lessons? what about vietname and iraq then. i think the war is a game for americans and they don't wanna lose it like spoiled children but does'nt hesitate to start one either.
44 tlyi küçümsemeyin
panter emelii dikizlerkenee
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 07 01 2025
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