/i/Yabancı Dil

    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 1.
    +14 -4
    to improve your english. if you wanna talk online with non-native speaker, text me when i am online. also helping is free for lys-5 students and for whom preparing themselves for yds exam.

    Edit: beyler sozlugu birakma karari aldim. Mesajlariniza cevap veremeyecegim kusura bakmayin.
  2. 2.
    Bu ne amk sifreli niye konusuyosun
  3. 3.
    +1 -2
    if you dont shut up i am your mother hard sex thats offffffff
  4. 4.
    +2 -1
    Graduate students can take these exams for more than once. Maybe "feel the rhytm in your soul" will take exams for second chance... Everyone deserves the second chance.
  5. 5.
    Yes I dosont
  6. 6.
    Biraz cümle kurmayı öğrenip whom gibi kelimeler kullanarak kendini william shakesper sanan genç. Kelime sayısı arttıkça sıçıp sıvıyorsun ne dediğin anlaşılmıyor grammar hataları çok. kelime haznen pek geniş değil sıradan kelimeleri tekrarlıyor arada bir dikkat çekici olmak için kendini kasarak zoraki değişik kelimeler kullanıyorsun, but that's none of my bussines.
    1. 1.
      Biraz cumle kurmayi ogrenip derken? Yds puanim +85 ayrica gecen sene elt bitirdim. kendinde misin sen hahahahah. Shakesper nedir ayrica wufucoxkxsbdjc
    2. 2.
  7. 7.
    Wanna ne amk kürdü yazi dilinde kullanilmaz
  8. 8.
    ingilizce bilmeyen bunu nasıl anlayacak kardeş
    1. 1.
      ingilizce bilenlerin gelistirmelerine yardimci olabilirim dedim zaten, bilmeyenler olmayan seyi zaten gelistiremez degil mi. bilenlere yonelik bir yazi oldugu belli bunun. yani bilmeyenlerin anlamasina pek de gerek yok galiba
  9. 9.
    I don't understand and write engliş
    1. 1.
      i can teach if you wish, dear.
    2. 2.
      My right eye, my left foot 22 has no change. Is that a problem?
      1. 1.
        what do you mean with 22
  10. 10.
    Yes man okeyy oright fucking
  11. 11.
    May I continue the story according to its previous parts ? Or will you try to write your story with a more satisfying english by using significant amount of descriptions.
  12. 12.
    Now she has two option. If she take the red pill she will forget her all the problems including the kidnap. But if she take the blue pill she will feel all the pain inside her, cant forget "the dark days" and she will find her true love.
    1. 1.
      kidnapping (gerund oludpu için)
  13. 13.
    no one can live with this kind of pain. i would prefer red pill, because there's no other way to live but to forget. but blue one sounds interesting too. you can live with your partner happily ever after. when the dark days stroke to your heart, at least you got a coast to crash on. a lifeline. a light. both of the pills can change everything. what about taking them both? *
  14. 14.
    Please type thesaurus to google and click it. You wont regret.You can develop your vocabulary and improve your english by learning synonyms of words. There is also a dictionary section on the website ,you can see the meanings of the words which you dont know.
  15. 15.
    The can me both the see can me war
  16. 16.
    Ben lys 5 bilmem dünya güzeli 1 -2 dersen konuşalım
  17. 17.
  18. 18.
    What will we do? Just speak?
    1. 1.
      what do you want, more of it?
    2. 2.
      For example any suggest?
      1. 1.
        nothing. just willing to talk...
      2. 2.
        Okey ıts fine
  19. 19.
    Yes I doesn't
  20. 20.
    Jelipon can you please go on to story from last best state (before pills)