/i/Yabancı Dil

  1. 1.
    +14 -4
    to improve your english. if you wanna talk online with non-native speaker, text me when i am online. also helping is free for lys-5 students and for whom preparing themselves for yds exam.

    Edit: beyler sozlugu birakma karari aldim. Mesajlariniza cevap veremeyecegim kusura bakmayin.
  1. 2.
    Bu ne amk sifreli niye konusuyosun
  2. 3.
    I don't understand and write engliş
    1. 1.
      i can teach if you wish, dear.
    2. 2.
      My right eye, my left foot 22 has no change. Is that a problem?
      1. 1.
        what do you mean with 22
  3. 4.
    Vizelerim var yoksa lys5 ve yds çalışıyorum
    1. 1.
      +2 -1
      vizen varsa bi daha niye lys5 calisiyorsun amq
  4. 5.
    ingilizce bilmeyen bunu nasıl anlayacak kardeş
    1. 1.
      ingilizce bilenlerin gelistirmelerine yardimci olabilirim dedim zaten, bilmeyenler olmayan seyi zaten gelistiremez degil mi. bilenlere yonelik bir yazi oldugu belli bunun. yani bilmeyenlerin anlamasina pek de gerek yok galiba
  5. 6.
    +2 -1
    Graduate students can take these exams for more than once. Maybe "feel the rhytm in your soul" will take exams for second chance... Everyone deserves the second chance.
  6. 7.
    We can write here for time to time if it suits you --> yellowpenis
    1. 1.
      of course whenever you want, you can write here, or anywhere else.
  7. 8.
    Maybe we should choose a topic to talk about. What do you think? Maybe we should play never ending story. Pick one and let me know.
    1. 1.
      if in that headline okay, in pm it is still okay choose one of them and i ll think about the topic to talk about.
  8. 9.
    Lets begin with NES. We should write in this topic so anyone can come and join us. Write 2 or 3 sentences and let us continue.
  9. 10.
    Once upon a time there was a girl in the garden. Bla bla something like that ok. Than one will write another 2 or 3 sentences. We will improve the story and we will end in 100 posts.
  10. 11.
    +1 -2
    if you dont shut up i am your mother hard sex thats offffffff
  11. 12.
    i dont know how to start it, never did something like this before hahaha, so if we play something like this instead of talking about something, it would be nicer if you start first, then i can continue it.
  12. 13.
    Once upon a time there was a girl in the garden. The girl was 16 years old and blind. She was beautiful as godess but ...
  13. 14.
    ı hate english but
    why not
    1. 1.
      try to use capital I or just i
      1. 1.
        what does mean capital
        ı konw but ı dont understand
      2. 2.
        ok sorry ok its understood
        i am still think in türkish
        sorry for that
    2. 2.
      'i am thinking' or 'i think.' just present simple or present cont. tense : ) there is nothing like "i am think."
  14. 15.
    but... bad side of her heart overshaded her true beauty. because of that she was blind she always blaspheme... and that was really disturbing all the people around her.
    1. 1.
      stay away from negative people
      they have a problem for every solution
    2. 2.
      Thats why we will give an ability to her for schyte that black side. If you want to join us feel free to write.
  15. 16.
    Even she was blind she can feel everything around her as crystal clear but her brain takes every event's bad side. At that day one handsome boy moved to the house next to her hovel...
  16. 17.
    She started smiling and crying at the same time. It was then she realised that she was being raped by a clown.
  17. 18.
    after this incident, she had a coulrophobia then whenever she realised a clown around her, she ran away suddenly... and she stopped and thought a moment, maybe this handsome boy could kill the pain she had felt inside...
  18. 19.
    I've reserved a place where people talk about English stories
    1. 1.
      You should append something instead of reserving a place...
      1. 1.
        I'll try later i got things to do
      2. 2.
  19. 20.
    Yes I dosont