1. 1.
    saolun muallakler. george bennet die bi adam mailden ulaştı bana.. "virginiadaki hedkuarterlarımıza gel bişe diycem" minvalinde şeyler yazdı. giriyom la şirkete.
  2. 2.
    tam metni aktarıyorum;
    " Mr. Fevzi

    In last three hours we have received dozens of mails from the highly respectable turkish association Inci Sozluk, which were mainly about your participetance to our little CIA. There is an open position in Middle East Table Chief position and we believe that you extremly fit with this position. Please come to our office in Virginia, i will say something.

    Best Regards to Inci writerts, please contact us soon "...

    yalan mı sölüyoz binler.. hadi bakalım.. inşallah bu işide kıvıracaz.