015- icj --- permanent, judges (security council, general assembly), subjects: state
arbitration--- ad hoc, judges (special lawyer, technical expert, academics, subjects: states, mnc's, individuals. -
014- what are the acquistion of jurisdiction by the icj?
-consent ad hoc
-consent post hoc (forum prorogatum)
-consent ante hoc (treaties)
-consent ante hoc (optional system) -
013- What are the reasons dava açma icj?
-alleged failure to exhaust local remedies.
-undue interference with domestic affairs of state
-lack of legal subject matter and diplomatic protection of individuals
-undue delay -
0arbitration: states, individuals, multinational corporations.
011- Write some methods for peaceful settlement of disputes?
settlement by un and regional machinery.
- councilation, nagotiation, arbitration, mediation and good office, inquiry, advisory opinions, icj. -
010 -what are the enviromental actors?
- business and industry ngo's
- local governmet ngo's
- environmental ngo's. -
0@14 yok lan ne hukuğu siyaset ve ui okuyom dıbınakoyim.
0ne okuyon la dıbına godum? hukuk filan mı?
0sen istiyor duj
yok lan o başkaydı -
09 what are the sources of enviromental law?
- treaties
- customary international law
a. no harm principle
b. good neighbour principle
c. polluter pays principle
d. preventive action principle
e. equitable utilization shared resources. -
08-what are the three phases development of enviromental law?
- rather benefit are important largely economic concern.
- treaties directed pollution aboletemet, habitat conservation. approach is still piecemeal.
- global problem/global solution. fundamental principe is sustainable develoment. this is develop in human necetties but minimum harm. -
0@9 ezber giber
0yalanları ezberle amk
07- What are the necessaries to apply european court of human rights?
-application is not be anonymous.
-domestic remedies are exhausted.
-the same subject is not dealt previously.
-application must be competible provision of un. -
06-what are the united agencies and other multilateral instruments?
international labor organization, icc, ict rwanda and yugoslavia, convention against torture and agaisnt women disvrimination, unesco and unrwa. -
05- what is two covenant system?
fist headline is civil political. There is a lack of enforcement. each state give reports every 5 years. each state can complain eachother and alsoindividual can be. second head line is economic, cultural, social. ... -
04 - How are the human rights protected by United nations?
- there is two covenant system.
- ecosoc and human right commission.
- internationa convenience about elimination all type of racism discrimination in 1966
- united agencies and international instruments. -
03- What are the third generation rights in h.r.l?
- rights to development, peace, protect environment, self determinance.
- gay, les, trans rights.
- future genration rights. -
02- What are the scond generation rights in h.r.l?
- rights to work, education, food, social security.
- right to participate culture.
- right to enough standart of living.
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