+1ayrıca lol o löl diil
-1berfin sevişelimmi?
0aq ne lan yabancılar her cümlenin zütüne bunu sokuyor aq
not: evet cahilim aq -
0anırarak gülme anldıbına geliyor
0@6 ingiliz halk edebiyatı ve konuşma lisanı profesörü
0sesli güldüm dimek
0@7 bebeimsin
0@4 ayy avengerimmmmm (L)
0lolrof laughing out loud rolling on floor
lolrofl laughing out loud rolling on the floor
lolrofpimp laughing out loud rolling on floor & peeing in my pants
lolrotf laughing out loud, rolling on the floor
lolrotfcwl laughing out loud rolling on the floor choking with laughter
lolrotfdwl laughing out loud rolling on the floor dying with laughter
lolrotfdwlwutn laughing out loud rolling on the floor dying with laughter waking up the neighbors
lolrotfpmp laugh out loud rolling on the floor peeing my pants
loltimeprdml laughing out loud, tears in my eyes, pee running down my leg
lolwrme laughing out loud while rolling my eyes
raotflol roll all over the floor laughing out loud
rlol really laughing out loud
roflol rolling on floor laughing out loud
roflolshiahab rolling on floor laughing out loud so hard it actually hurts a bit
roflolshipmp rolling on floor laughing out loud so hard i peed my pants
roflolwgc rolling on the floor laughing out loud while getting cramp
rofpmplol rolling on floor pissing my pants laughing out loud
roglol rolling on ground laughing out loud
romalol rolling on my ass, laughing out loud
rotfalol rolling on the floor and laughing out loud
rotflol rolling on the floor laughing out loud
rotflolapmp rolling on the floor laughing out loud and peeing my pants
rotflolasc rolling on the floor, laughing out loud and scaring the cat
rotflolastd rolling on the floor laughing out loud and scaring the dog
rotflolshih rolling on the floor laughing out loud so hard it hurts
rotfloltime rolling on the floor laughing out loud tears in my eyes
rotfloltntpimp rolling on the floor laughing out loud trying not to pee in my pants
rotflolwabimh rolling on the floor laughing out loud with a beer in my hand -
0laugh out loud
0güldüm demek o cahil
0hunharca güldüm anlamında kullanılır
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 20 01 2025
bekle geliyorum gran torino
uncivilizedmuslim türk milletinden özür dile
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