+1gelsin sövsün amk sövün lan bana rahatlıcam
-1anana sövsek?
-1i suppose they are a generation passing on from father to son these motherfucking sons-of-bitches (puuu) i really think that they are a generation from father to son. excuse my language but, those guys are motherfucking sons of bitches, they were like this when i was around, they're still like this...
fucking atheist assholes they're pretending to be cute but they are just a bunch of (puuu) fucking whores, i'm going to fuck your mothers. i mean i don't ever wanna see them man those fucking pricks...
i'm going to fuck their offspring but i can't be cause i am trying to be a good role model... -
-1i suppose they are a generation passing on from father to son these motherfucking sons-of-bitches (puuu) i really think that they are a generation from father to son. excuse my language but, those guys are motherfucking sons of bitches, they were like this when i was around, they're still like this...
fucking atheist assholes they're pretending to be cute but they are just a bunch of (puuu) fucking whores, i'm going to fuck your mothers. i mean i don't ever wanna see them man those fucking pricks...
i'm going to fuck their offspring but i can't be cause i am trying to be a good role model... -
-20LurMu 0yhLé shéyh zaMqushh ayhıph
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