+3yoklukta gider
+1 -1kendisi ingiliz pointer av köpeğidir 3 aylik ismi arthur.. nasıl lan pointerlerden anlarım diyen binler yorumlasın
edit : soranlar için tabiki ava gidiyorum binler yoksa niye ingiliz pointer bakayim bu 4. köpeğim 3 tane daha var 2 pointer 1 setter -
0Müthiş! insan ırkı gibi değil. masumlar. bilerek isteyerek kimseye zarar vermiyorlar. bizler gibi küçük hesaplar yapmıyorlar. fesat değiller. onlar hayatım.. hayatım onların..
0benim memleketimin köpeği bile avrupadakilerden farklı bakıyor
0lan bu pointerlar gösterip vermiyor lan. geçen ava gittim bunlardan biriyle git getir diyorum hala gösteriyor it
0@1 içine mastiff kaçmış lan bunun, belalı bir english pointer'a benziyo, mukayyet ol.
0Pointers were bred to work with hunters. in the past they were sometimes used in combination with a retriever, to point out the game for the hunter. pointers were also used as falconer's dogs. as early as the 17th century, sportsmen used pointers to locate hares and then greyhounds to chase them.
the history of the pointer, like many breeds, is a reasonably debatable topic. (cavanaugh, 1997). there are records of pointers in england as far back as 1650 (cavanaugh, 1997.) according to one source, the pointer came to be in the sixteenth and seventeenth century when pointing breeds including the spanish pointer were brought from the european mainland to england. (fergus, 2002).
through both history and anatomical evaluation we see that at least four breeds were instrumental in pointer crosses: greyhounds, foxhounds, bloodhounds, and bull terriers. (cavanaugh, 1997.) each of these were established breeds with unique qualities that the pointer could use to do its job; our forefathers were trying to build a very special hunting dog. (cavanaugh, 1997.)
pointers were brought to the united states where the breed flourished in the abundant open hunting land. at that time (late 1800s), the setter was considered to be the bird hunting dog and pointers were not even permitted to compete in field trials with setters. around 1910, however, the pointer began to beat the setter at its own game. the pointer has dominated the pointing breed field trials since that time. (fergus, 2002).
one of the earliest dogs to exert influence on the breed in the us was a dog who was imported from england in 1876 - "sensation ." he is well known as the dog on the emblem of the westminster kennel club.
one modern american kennel, established in 1936, and known for breeding large quantities of pointers, elhew kennels [2] produced a popular and successful line of gundogs. elhew pointers were well-known competitors at field trials for several decades.
in the southern united states, where the dog is so dominant it is often simply referred to as the "bird dog", pointers are found in abundance. the bobwhite quail is the primary game bird there and is considered classic english pointer game as the bobwhite will hold well for a pointing dog. pointers also work game birds such as the pheasant, grouse, and woodcock with success as well. -
0temiz ; şuku
0allah belasını versin .
0@1 güzel bakmışsın binç
0dikkat et çükü kapmasın
0en iyi arkadaşı ol
0şekilsiz amk bu
ben çocukken leslie vardı adam gibi adamdı... -
0her türlü gibilir kardeş için rahat olsun
0havlayarak boşaldım.
0@1 uyuz lan bu it bi tak olmaz.
0sağlam köpek
0çok çikin
0en asil duygunun köpeği dıbına koyayım
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