
Sözlüğün renkli altincisi.
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    Islam is coming for you, faggots.

    Be afraid, be very afraid. We will take everything and make Europe just like Arab countries.

    Innovation and science are un-Islamic! It is haram! Chemistry, Math and Physics are sorcery and should not be allowed and those who practice it should be put to death according to Shariah .

    We will make the Islamic welfare state the only system in the world. We already control your countries because we have deceived your majority liberal population with our tactic of Taqiyya. Now all that's left is to start undoing everything Europeans innovated over the years.

    We will eliminate those who can see what is truly going on, starting with the most enlightened... the ones who follow the religions of Atheism and Stormfrontism. They are a threat to our plans due to superior intellect, but our cyber warriors are on it, tracing each and every IP address of this powerful enemy of Islam.
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      Nediyon mk çocuğu
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      sen çok yanlış gelmişin pnpi
  3. 3.
    ama böyle its always sunny in philadelphia gibi big bang theory gibi sadece komedi olmayacak. shameless louie gibi dram yönü de olan arıyorum
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    ama böyle its always sunny in philadelphia gibi big bang theory gibi sadece komedi olmayacak. shameless louie gibi dram yönü de olan arıyorum
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    Parçala Behçet bide civciv çıkıcak kuş çıkacak pampa
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    Kimseye Friends izletemedim bari sen izle çok güzel üstelik alışınca 10 sezon yiiiaa nasi bitircem değil, 10 sezon yetmez ki nolur bitmesin diyorsun
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      izledim onu panpa