1. 39.
    227 ettim la
  2. 38.
    iyiymiş la
  3. 37.
    50 yaptım len
  4. 36.
    @35 biz sizi ararız
  5. 35.
    ilk kelime ama ydı
    am dan sonra dayanamadım dakikasında 31 çekip boşaldım
    iş görür mü panpa

    You reached 0 points, so you achieved position 21549 of 21549 on the ranking list

    You type 3 characters per minute
    You have 0 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words
  6. 34.
    you reached 202 points, so you achieved position 122860 of 591790 on the ranking list

    you type 273 characters per minute
    you have 46 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

    kötü lan!
  7. 33.

    zorunuza gitmesin panpalar
  8. 32.
    you reached 347 points, so you achieved position 406 of 21532 on the ranking list

    you type 422 characters per minute
    you have 62 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words
  9. 31.
    dakikada 66 yeter li mi panpa işe ihtiyacım var
  10. 30.
    @1 bu yeterli mi?
    You reached 186 points, so you achieved position 5556 of 21492 on the ranking list

    You type 240 characters per minute
    You have 39 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words
  11. 29.
  12. 28.
    you reached 289 points, so you achieved position 1019 of 21505 on the ranking list

    you type 390 characters per minute
    you have 54 correct words and
    you have 2 wrong words

    ilk deneme kasmadan
  13. 27.
    gibtir ya sazan.avi's
  14. 26.
    68 correct words
  15. 25.
    @20 bilimum ses kaydında geçen konuşmaları word e yazacaksınız arkadaşlar. bunun için de en az dakikada 60 kelime yazma kriteri arıyoruz
  16. 24.
    you reached 239 points, so you achieved position 2385 of 21457 on the ranking list

    you type 304 characters per minute
    you have 48 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words
  17. 23.
    @21 biz sizi ararız panpa
  18. 22.
    You reached 266 points, so you achieved position 1509 of 21458 on the ranking list

    You type 379 characters per minute
    You have 53 correct words and
    you have 3 wrong words

    edit: You reached 310 points, so you achieved position 1085 of 20489 on the ranking list

    You type 438 characters per minute
    You have 69 correct words and
    you have 2 wrong words

    oldu bi daha denersem dıbına koyarım :]
  19. 21.
    You reached 196 points, so you achieved position 4768 of 21451 on the ranking list

    You type 257 characters per minute
    You have 37 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words
  20. 20.
    You reached 256 points

    hızlı yazana ne gibi bir iş vereceksin biladel ?