0http://imgim.com/rcgjxn.jpg al panpa buda benden position 1 *
edit : http://imgim.com/rcgjzv.jpg buda iki :D -
0wpm 62
keystrokes 310
correct words 47
wrong words 0 -
0you reached 286 points so you achieved position 11 of 113 on the ranking list (last 24 hours)
090 üstün başarı amk.
0You reached 0 points, so you achieved position 83264 of 83264 on the ranking list
You type 910 characters per minute
You have 1 correct words and
you have 293 wrong words -
0you reached 195 points, so you achieved position 20556 of 83219 on the ranking list
you type 260 characters per minute
you have 40 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0ou reached 220 points, so you achieved position 13876 of 83189 on the ranking list
You type 308 characters per minute
You have 41 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0You type 222 characters per minute
You have 33 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0You reached 216 points, so you achieved position 14766 of 83175 on the ranking list
You type 294 characters per minute
You have 41 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0You type 290 characters per minute
You have 39 correct words and
you have 5 wrong words -
0Du schreibst 450 Zeichen pro Minute
Du hast 67 korrekt geschriebene Wörter und
Du hast 14 falsch geschriebene Wörter -
0<a href=" http://turkish-speedtest.10-fast-fingers.com" ; style="display: block; width: 300px; height: 100px; background: url(' http://speedtest.10-fast-fingers.com/img/badge1.png ') no-repeat; padding-top: 50px; padding-left: 60px; color: #009933; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; font-family: times new roman, arial, serif; font-size: 40px;">41 words</a><p><a href=" http://turkish-speedtest....edtest</a></p> ;
0you reached 265 points, so you achieved position 6452 of 83079 on the ranking list
you type 346 characters per minute
you have 48 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
alın uğraşın biraz -
0@1 seni geçtim ama niye uğraşayım ki caple oç?
0You reached 270 points, so you achieved position 5851 of 82842 on the ranking list
You type 370 characters per minute
You have 51 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0oha bin ben 26 tane yazabildim
0you reached 217 points, so you achieved position 14433 of 82799 on the ranking list
you type 315 characters per minute
you have 43 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
edit: 1 kere denedim. -
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