0you reached 250 points, so you achieved position 8387 of 82386 on the ranking list
you type 330 characters per minute
you have 52 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words -
0you reached 377 points, so you achieved position 672 of 82683 on the ranking list
you type 485 characters per minute
you have 76 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
iyi mi? - 53.
0126 points, so you achieved position 47841 of 82461 on the ranking list
You type 238 characters per minute
You have 31 correct words and
you have 5 wrong words -
0you reached 316 points, so you achieved position 2238 of 82473 on the ranking list
you type 413 characters per minute
you have 62 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0You type 1 characters per minute
You have 0 correct words and
you have 400 wrong words
i think so you are moron
beyler bana böyle bi şey dedi ne diyo bur da iyi bi şey mi -
0You reached 313 points, so you achieved position 2385 of 82474 on the ranking list
You type 418 characters per minute
You have 59 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
işyerindeki klavye berbat eve gidersem gibertirim
reklam ;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAj_hCNcjG0 -
0You type 293 characters per minute
You have 42 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0you reached 1052 points, so you achieved position 6078 of 1022401 on the ranking list
you type 956 characters per minute
you have 148 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words
bukadar çıktı panpa -
0you reached 545 points, so you achieved position 993 of 82509 on the ranking list
you type 649 characters per minute
you have 92 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
bitane yanlış girdim amk -
0You reached 1083 points, so you achieved position 12 of 82598 on the ranking list
You type 2328 characters per minute
You have 198 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0eğlendim şukuladım
0@1 hileci beyler videyu hızlı rardırıp kaydetmış
- 65.
0you reached 159 points, so you achieved position 33244 of 82593 on the ranking list
you type 292 characters per minute
you have 33 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words
ilk denememde bu çıktı -
0you reached 311 points, so you achieved position 2496 of 82613 on the ranking list
you type 397 characters per minute
you have 62 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
buda iki: http://imgur.com/X14nc
buda üç: http://imgur.com/47NNk
bu ilk denemeydi bekle seninkini geçip geliyorum
edit: yanlış link
edit2: ahaha geçtim al muallak 3 puan fark üçüncü denemede tamam -
0you reached 218 points, so you achieved position 14129 of 82609 on the ranking list
you type 288 characters per minute
you have 43 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
edit: birazdan gecerim
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 08 01 2025
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yksde 1 milyonuncu olmuş birinin
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