0you reached 1052 points, so you achieved position 6078 of 1022401 on the ranking list
you type 956 characters per minute
you have 148 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words
bukadar çıktı panpa -
0You type 293 characters per minute
You have 42 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0You reached 313 points, so you achieved position 2385 of 82474 on the ranking list
You type 418 characters per minute
You have 59 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
işyerindeki klavye berbat eve gidersem gibertirim
reklam ;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAj_hCNcjG0 -
0You type 1 characters per minute
You have 0 correct words and
you have 400 wrong words
i think so you are moron
beyler bana böyle bi şey dedi ne diyo bur da iyi bi şey mi -
0you reached 316 points, so you achieved position 2238 of 82473 on the ranking list
you type 413 characters per minute
you have 62 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words -
0126 points, so you achieved position 47841 of 82461 on the ranking list
You type 238 characters per minute
You have 31 correct words and
you have 5 wrong words - 43.
0you reached 377 points, so you achieved position 672 of 82683 on the ranking list
you type 485 characters per minute
you have 76 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
iyi mi? -
0you reached 250 points, so you achieved position 8387 of 82386 on the ranking list
you type 330 characters per minute
you have 52 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words - 40.
0http://www.incicaps.com/r/adsi61688.png/ ilk deneme panpa
0You type 327 characters per minute
You have 44 correct words and
you have 9 wrong words - 37.
0you reached 985 points, so you achieved position 3 of 82314 on the ranking list
you type 300 characters per minute
you have 168 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words - 35.
0@1 hızlı çekime almış oç inanmayın
0You reached 270 points, so you achieved position 5760 of 82304 on the ranking list
You type 348 characters per minute
You have 49 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words -
0hadi beyler bekliyorummm.
0bekle moruk kapışıcam seninle yemek saati gelsin şirkette
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