0aferin lan binler tam aklıma gelmişti
küfür yazmayın ya da mal mal fotoğraflar paylaşmayın, türkiyeyi temsil edeceksiniz, seviyeyi yüksek tutun am karaları. -
0beyler bu karı amerikanın petek dincozu gibi bi sey neden bu kadar ciddiye aldınız amı kuru karıyı
0up up upup
0niye kendisini gibertmiyoruz aq manyak mıyız biz
0up up up
0eokanın katlettiği insanları fotoğraflarını filan koyabilirsiniz mesela.
0koca zütlü huur seni kendi ülkesi "insan haklarını suistimalde" etmio haklı insanı suistimal(gibme manası) edio..
0@21 güzel fikir. editledim mesajı. yapalım.
0gelin lan gibertiyoz
0up up up
0baya sayfanın amg bızımkıler
0up up up
0amk ferregrafik resim koymayın lan
0hesap açmaya üşeniyorum aq
0up lan up
0bunu yapistirin beyler, sakin argo kufur asagilama olmasin.Tümünü Göster
we know that there has been a great uproar from our greek neighbors about you coming to visit the north side but this is exactly what they try to do every time international stars like you or companies do not care about their propaganda.
all they want is to deny our existence and shut us out from the world
but it is people like you and other international businesses who know
about the few thousand turkish cypriots and the problems we have to face
who are supporting us in withstanding their ultimate goal of kicking us
out from this island where we always belonged to. it is just
unbelievable how much hatred they harbor towards us, we cannot fly our
planes anywhere except through turkey and moreover we are embargoed
against trading goods with the rest of the world thanks to their
successfully done propaganda. we do not hate them, we are simply asking
that they also acknowledge our existence.
we hope that you know all about the history of this island and why turkey had to send its troops in in 1974. all these troops are doing is keeping us safe from our neighbors who are still arming themselves for the future times where they hope turkey will not be protecting us anymore. if you realize they only talk about the “invasion by turkey” but this is because none of them are educated about their own history (or they just like to ignore it) and about what actually went on between 1963 and 1974. they were the ones who started brutally attacking the few thousand turkish cypriots, killing masses of people with the hope of reaching their end goal: enosis. this is why turkey had to come in (and rightfully so, as it was 1 of the 3 guarantor countries along with greece and england) and divide the island in two so that they would stop their genocide.
if it were not for their ongoing hatred and propaganda we would have been all living in peace right now. the only way that they will stop is if they are left alone in their endeavors and if we keep on showing them that the turkish cypriots exist... and that they will keep on existing.
we know that this has been a big decision for you to come and perform in north cyprus however do not forget that, even if you lose the so-called love of our greek friends who obviously always like to mix politics even into art and music, you will be gaining the further love and respect of 75 more million people in turkey and all of the turkish cypriots in north cyprus!
with all our love and respect.
regards -
0destek bekliyoruz
0ok gulum napıoruz anlat
0@3 özet geç aq
0@5 tepki mesajları yağdırıp sayfayı giberteceğiz. yazacağınız size kalmış.
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