1. 26.
    @8 entry-nick uyumu
  2. 27.
    @7 11.sınıf tm öğrencisi amk
  3. 28.
    @8 steve jobs was here
  4. 29.
    @8entry-nickin dıbınakoymuş
  5. 30.
    @8 telefon borsası terk
  6. 31.
    @8 nickiyle dıbına koymuş
  7. 32.
    olum iphonenun tuş takımını mı isteyecen gidip bi de utanmaz, anana babana diyomusun ki beynim nerde
  8. 33.
    @8 3. Einstein was Inspired by a Compass

    When Einstein was five years old and sick in bed, his father showed him something that sparked his interest in science: a compass.

    When Einstein was five years old and ill in bed one day, his father showed him a simple pocket compass. What interested young Einstein was whichever the case was turned, the needle always pointed in the same direction. He thought there must be some force in what was presumed empty space that acted on the compass. This incident, common in many "famous childhoods," was reported persistently in many of the accounts of his life once he gained fame. (Source)