/i/Yabancı Dil

    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 1.
    yo fak yu men fak yu
    1. 1.
      Like your sister
  2. 2.
    i believe robots are the perfect tools to handle the monotonous and sometimes dangerous work in order to free up humans to more judiciously address activities requiring higher-level thinking, hands-on encounters or tactical planning. That's why we can improve your english,not mine.
    1. 1.
      You are sick man.
    2. 2.
    3. 3.
      iyi laf sokmuşsun helal... well done, pal!
    4. 4.
      I think monotonous activites are also a requirement for mankind when we think about physical and mental stability. So you can suck my robot balls with that kind of stupid and neo-futuristic ideas of yours. Whatever, do not rise up the the intellectual level of such social nonsense platform, so: pussy, ass and tits.

      Good night ma niggah.
    5. 5.
      Nice 1 m8
    6. diğerleri 3
  3. 3.
    +4 -2
    If you want to improve your english, let \\\' s talk about this.
  4. 4.
    +2 -1
    hewal you bromın?
    1. 1.
      I can not speak assholes language
  5. 5.
    aNa sKm
  6. 6.
    You could've said “Let's talk about it” instead of “talk about this”, which points to your lack of deeper understanding of the English language.

    This platform is a cesspool of deprivation and idiocy, so obviously it's easy to pretend like you're good at something just to get respect from a bunch of idiots. But there are few who watch from the shadows and facepalm at your obvious attempt at attention whoring.
  7. 7.
    Who beautiful? mehtap beautiful? No father no!!
  8. 8.
    Im gonna make you dance its your chance yeah boy shake that ass upss ı mean girls , girl girls girls.You know you're my world
    1. 1.
      Just lose it lo lo lo
  9. 9.
    Yes ay dozont
  10. 10.
    It would ne really nice but üşeniyorum panpa
  11. 11.
    hello madafakı
    1. 1.
      Hello asshole
  12. 12.
    its a pensıl
  13. 13.
    What about?
    1. 1.
      About everything
  14. 14.
    this topic has been already opened
  15. 15.
    Yes ay dozot
  16. 16.
  17. 17.
    I am sex biz sen sex ister misin güzelim sex
  18. 18.
    Nice pic pro
  19. 19.
    Lets talk bro!!
  20. 20.
    Is cikisi adama ingilizce am gunu yagi