1. 51.
  2. 52.
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  4. 54.
    tam yerini bulmuşsun başlıgı okudum bende bişey sandım amk
  5. 55.
    2 senedir google translate kullanıyorum. Ben bile böyle bişeyle karşılaşmadım. Edit: Özet geç bin
  6. 56.
    amk saatlerdir aynı başlık biri el atsın şu liselinin ödevine amk ben okuyamıyorum artık
  7. 57.
    s no longer a punishment, personal and modern law is not arbitrary. There is no place for violence and the protection of individual rights and hürrüyetlerinin punishment is essential. occupies an important place in modern international human rights law.
    and the Tanzimat reforms to have the first attempts were made to ban torture. Islamic law, European law, but it looks like there is no comprehensive torture. edilmektedir.1840 considered torture, flogging and punishments in Islam forging of law-u sentence 3 Article and dated 1852, the scope of the law has been crime-u cedid in 2.faslının 4.maddeleriyle torture. Mecelle famous for the 'crime of the person who profess to be valid, consent must profess' expression takes place. 26 The law of 1876 also-u MATERIAL the prohibition of torture given in article.
    legal torture
    certain legal aspects of torture as a crime, not be considered legal event. today's most powerful advocate of the concept of legal torture dershowtizdir alon. The claim is that 'all states of torture in secret will somehow do we legally restricted by the public and get it. Dershowitz, Harvard law alon schoolda also instructive. is a writer at the same time best-selling books. is known for its support of Israel. in the form of the author's claim that Israel has not done anything to anyone, the torture. There is also a proponent of torture in Israeli law between countries. legal torture, honor crimes in particular are required.
    the problem of legal torture
    torture in numerous international documents and domestic law, although some states, statutory laws, be considered a crime in many countries, the practice of torture persists. legal torture, torture, arranged by state law can be applied to certain limits.
    domestic intelligence agency in Israel-Saba-(shin-bet) Palestine prisoners, ititraf and torture in order to provide the desired information could. These applications are made according to the law, of course, the deaths that occurred as a result of torture was considered an accident at work. BETS-march of human rights organizations in Israel in 1995 when-issued a report. report from December 1987 until the end of 1995 in a total of 35 Palestinians have died under torture were announced. This event has been approved and verified by the institution of international human rights.
    sees this as an important method of torture in some groups in Israel.-shinbet-chairman of the Israeli high court of general ami nayalon presented a report on the subject in 1998. reports of torture and the Israeli internal security agency is required to obtain information needed to torture, he said.
    Some human rights organizations in Israel, even all of these events, and-shinbet-members opposed the Israeli High Court proceedings were opened for removal of the powers of torture. Towards the end of the most recent 1994 High Court of Israel-Saba-elements of a reputation for the prohibition of torture is that this case was filed, but the court refused. case to the trial court, which can be opened to appeal to some types of torture has announced the organization. Lawsuits filed for appeal, but despite all this, how old name reddedildi.bu events occurred EHR proponents of torture still exists even though legal.
    Tümünü Göster
  8. 58.
    @47 saol panpa
  9. 59.
    @55 google çeviri ama güldüm be panpa şuku
  10. 60.
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  12. 62.
    evet yardım edin panpamıza ben de ödev yetiştirmesem yapardım mk
  13. 63.
    @62 saol panpa seviyorum sizi inanın
  14. 64.
    http://mixlr.com/her-%C5%9Fey-peynir/chat beyler gelin tasak var
  15. 65.
    @64 bunu da uplama sayıyorum
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