1. 26.
    today a friend told me and ı loved it. he told a "laz" joke.
    "laz" always says around "look ı am sick ı am sick he says ı am sick.
    no one listening to him. ı am sick ı am gonna die. look around me etc.
    than he said if i die write to my grave stone that;
    and they have written his grave stone. he said, ı said i am sick i said you didn't believe in me what happend now? hhehehe hehehe? eee i mean there is a writting at the grave stone of our "laz" that i said ı am sick i said did you see what happend now?

    birebir çeviri oç nick6mı gir
  2. 27.
    @21 helal bike kardeş
  3. 28.
    a laz bartender says all time i build this bloody pub with my bare hands,and they didnt call me pub builder,did u see this bloody wall i make it with my bare hands they didnt call me wall maker
    unuttum lan gerisini gold lu moldlu bişeydi
  4. 29.
  5. 30.
    ne nerdeyim ya