0@40 abstract o era, prophesy felan kullanılmaz, kelimeler sade ve net olmalı, belliki adam makalesine koycak ama ii çeviri
@38doktora öğrencisiyim bin ingiliz dili işim benim bu kendi makalem gibi benimsedim adamın çevirisini
@42 al git panpa için rahat olsun -
0wat iz diz? Diz iz e pensıl
tatmın oldunmu -
0valla sizden bi gibim olmaz dicem ama ayıp olcak beyler.
0yes ol rayt
0mesaj at ceviriyim
0@36 yanlış olmuş panpa bu
0@32 gibtir git başkasıyla taşak geç
0Academic personel necessity in Higher Education: An application in Izmir
With the increasing population and the accumulating young population, university education is vital in our country. For the development, abundance and advanced civilisation of our country, young people and the academicians to train them have quite a significiant role. Recently, with the increasing percentage of unemployment, demand for university education reached to summit. So to emphasize this point an application will be put into progress in the finacial and administrive faculties of the universities in Izmir.
The basic aim of this study is to analyse the academic staff to determine the sufficiency of the staff and to foresee with this information.
Al abstractını bin hayrını gör şuku nickaltı alaim -
0kelime başı 1$
0tamam gelio çevirin bin az bekle
0@32 show time
0Al panpa
A problem is an obstacle which hinders the achievement of a particular goal, objective or purpose. It refers to a situation, condition, or issue that is yet unresolved. In a broad sense, a problem exists when an individual becomes aware of a significant difference between what actually is and what is desired between one or more individual. nation is a group of people who share izmir, ethnicity and language, often possessing or seeking its own independent government. The development and conceptualization of a nation is closely university to the development of modern industrial states and nationalist movements in Europe in the izmir and nineteenth centuries, although nationalists would trace nations into the past along uninterrupted lines of izmir narrative. Though the idea of nationality and race are often connected, the two are separate concepts, race izmir more with genotypic and phenotypic similarity and clustering, and nationality with the sense of belonging to a culture. -
0dıbına koduğum bana ingilizce bilmiyo ya da hazılık diyen binlerin zütüne girsin paragraf amın feryatları siz daha üniversiteye gidiceksiniz bilim grubuna girceksiniz makaleye abstarck hazırlicaksınız da sizi görcem biraz trigonometri türev integral falan kasın biraz
0any bastard here well knowing english
0söylesene lan amın evladı iki saattir paragraf bekliyoruz
0adam hazırlık beyler.
- 26.
0getir paragrafını bin çevireim yalınız şuku ve nickaltı isterim
021.yüzyılda ingilizce bilmeyen falan var
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