+2bir erkegin vahsi, huysuz olması ve uclarda yasaması aslında onun uyum potansiyeline sahip oldugunu gosterir cunku o duygusaldır ve kadını sex yapmak için zorlamaz.
Kadın onu koruyacak biriyle beraber oldugunu dusununce, reddeden kişi kadının tedbiri elden bırakmasına neden olcak ve kadın onu er ya da gec sevecek -
+1@7 panpa çeviriyle anlamak başka tam yapamam ben
+1ne icin cevirioruz la bunu? ayrıca ne bu?
+1reddeden kişi sadece onun gardını indirmesine izin verecek ve bir kereliğine o kendisiyle ilgilenen bir insanla olduğunu düşünecek ve onu sevecek .
0@13 panpa haklı ashudsdlkf
0@11 harıc ıngılızce bılen yok baslıkta
0@11 harikasın reyiz
0It is your focused interest that will capture her focused interest.
With an iNvestor, success and failure depend on you. She is ready –
but will shut down if you shut down first. By shutting down I mean
getting acting through a persona (a social mask you hide behind when
nervous, e.g. being overly macho, or pretending to be super laid back
to the point of “not caring,” etc), or getting negative as a crutch for a
lack of things to say. -
0@6 olmadı gibi
0bi adam değişken modda takılan yada vahşi yada sabırsız , potansiyel belirtir rapport için çünkü o duygusal ve onu sexe ikna etmeye çalışmıyor .
0@3 eyv
0As always, with iNvestors, it pays to be direct. Here’s why: she either
has a man, or wants one. If it’s the former, there’s a good chance he’s
not satisfying her sexually or emotionally. If it’s the latter, well – there
you go. -
0The Denier will only let her
guard down once she thinks she is with a man who will take care of her,
and love her (if not now, eventually) -
0This approach can easily stray into games and manipulation, which
we don’t advocate. However, it wouldn’t be right to not mention how
ridiculously easy it is to elicit strong feelings in this type of woman by
simply letting go of all attempts to impress or influence others. -
-1And as a Denier, she sees sex as a big commitment
–not casual fun. So convey that you are interested in getting to know
her, and that you are a guy who will be around for her.
Note: never say this explicitly. She won’t believe you. Always imply this by
using the Us-frame – whatever the topic is, talk about it in terms of you
and her, together, experiencing things now or in the future. -
-1A man who is moody, or wild, or living on the edge actually indicates the potential for
rapport because he is emotional, AND he is not trying to pursue her to
get sex. -
-1@16 pandora's box... çevircek adam aradım gelenler giblemedi
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