1. 1.
    Hey Bro,
    Wazzup dawg. So I regretted joining your shitty course about friggin shitty fuckers. So LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE. Thanks
  2. 2.
    +64 -1
    hey guys,
    i cant wait for the class which is tomorrow.
    hope to see you!
    yours faithfully

    biraz varoş yazdım ki başkasının yazdığı belli olmasın.
  3. 3.
    +54 -1
    hi. i want you to cancel my registration of course that starts tomorrow.
    yours sincerely.
    with my great respects.

  4. 4.
    Şöyle çevirdim daha iyi ingilizcesi olanlar düzeltsin.

    "Hello, I'm a flaming gay and also a big fan of bukkake. I want you to fuck my ass.

    Yours truly, 31cekenporsuk"
  5. 5.
    hi i will attend the course definitely. no cancellation. thank you.
    kiss your butt,
  6. 6.
    +23 -1
    hello baby.

    You'll be my first sex teacher. I cannot wait until tomorrow.

  7. 7.

    it doesn't matter for us, for me. big games easy than the other games, unfortunately. everytime is we have the control the games, under the control the games, during the games, we have the some possibility, some big chances, some big okazyon, something like that but, what can i do, sometimes. it is the football, that is the football. something happened everything is something happened. but anyway, now is in the TABELE, we have to see the situation, now is second position, and, one point more, i don't want to see the back, i want to see the front and i hope so tomorrow my team's will win.
  8. 8.
    +11 -1
    I want to cancel my registration which I made your course. gereğinin yapılmasını arz ederim.

    c ya

    bunu yaz kanka.
  9. 9.
    no kurs.
  10. 10.
    hello. what is your doing?
    tomorrow english kurs start. i register, but register cancel. Pleaseeee :( .I do whatever you require:
    oral, anal, fettish, etc.

    al lan 31'ci. sana bu yakışır.
  11. 11.
    +9 -1
    seni pekekentlerin elinden kurtardım
  12. 12.
    Heylo, I dont want to go tomorrow to english.
    I have bussiness.
  13. 13.
    hi dear diye başla bence.
  14. 14.
    +7 -2
    hello tomorrow start olucak kursunuza kaydımın cancel olamsını please ediyorum
  15. 15.
    screw you guys, i'm going home.
  16. 16.
    hi, please fuck me, i am verry horny now. So i need ur cock.
    have a good day.

    bunu yaz.
  17. 17.
    dobra utra,

    ya ne magu pamigat dly tebe huy. pajalusta bistra.

    ya lyublyu huy oçin.
  18. 18.
    dear kitty,

    i would like to cancel my registiration to the course that will start tomorrow because my drunk father has fucked me so much i mean i m not sure i can sit on the bench while listening lessons.. please delete my name baby.. kiss ya!!

    Best Regards...
  19. 19.
    lan uğraşma.

    i am not coming tomorrow.

    go to hell.

    yaz, yeter.
  20. 20.
    muallak git öğren işte iki cümleyi bir araya getiremiyon