1. 51.
    @1 kıskanıyorlar beni amk :(
  2. 52.
    your mum's pussy is the largest one in the whole world (true or false)

    tabi ki true..
  3. 53.
    Turkey is more hotter than gronland (t)
    Iphone is more expensive than nokia (t)
    in the world , Seas are more smaller than lands (F)
    Horses are more faster than dogs (t)
    Bread is more dangerous than oil (f)
    Theatre is more attractive than books (t)
    Ricky martin more popular than Tarkan (t)
    Girls are more chatty than boys (t)

    8 oldu sıkıldım panpa yeter umarım
  4. 54.
    @13 mount everest is the highest mountain in world
    caspian sea is the largest lake in world olcak panpa
  5. 55.
    ne farkeder amk hatırlamıyorum ilkokul konularını pek fazla
  6. 56.
    Bill Gates is richer than Ali Ağaoğlu. (True - dogru)
    The USA is bigger than England. (True - dogru)
    Turkey is the smallest country in the world (false - yanlıs) Daha lazımsa mesaj at panpa
  7. 57.
    nigger's penis is bigger than white man's penis
    turk's girls is ugly than russian's girl
  8. 58.
    I can hit a pussy with a scoop better than my brother (t)
  9. 59.
    @49 more ugly ne yarram
  10. 60.
    black mouse is the heaviest son of a bitch