+2although nicola tesla is a fucking genious man, he is not counted as a human because his inventions are stolen by a group of son of a bitch.
edit: sons of bitches olcak demi la -
+1tough mr. tesla was a brilient inventor, he is not known by most of the society. many of his inventions were stolen by others and it is the reason why he is not a known fame today.
+1@10 o buldu demiyelim panpa. ikiside ampul buldu ve ikisininde çalışma prensipleri farklıydı. eksta olaraktan tesla florasanda bulmus amk. neonuda o buldu diye biliom ama?? çok mu salladım ne
+1Though he was such a talented inventor, nikola tesla is not known by many people. Most of his inventions were stolen by other inventors and that's why he did not win much fame.
bana güven panpa (bkz: beyler işe girdim gelin) -
+1ayrıca ampulü de nikola buldu. o hikayeyi de alla pulla ne yap ne et ingilizceye çevir.
- 6.
+1nikola tesla is not so famous although he is very good inventor since most of his inventions have been stolen by other inventors
0up up up
0up up up
0up up up
0nikola tesla is very sexy
0bunu ingilizceye çevirene şuku + nickaltı
0Nikola tesla çok iyi bir mucit olmasına rağmen pek fazla bilinmez . Pek çok icatı mucitler tarafından çalındığı için çok fazla bilinmemektedir .
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