1. 26.
    @21 tamam cümlede anlatım bozukluğu var; haklısın.
    ama anlatım bozukluğu senin doğru anlamanı engellememeliydi diye düşünüyorum.
  2. 27.
    @23 redhouse dan mı arıyon. link attık ya amk
  3. 28.
    zütünüze the girsin amk
  4. 29.
    @22 sozlukta suffix arayan mal.
  5. 30.
    Yardimci olmaya calisan panpalara suku + nick6 verdim hepinize eyvallah
  6. 31.
    @24 yoo cambrigde sözlüğüne baktım.
    ciddi sözlüklerde yok hocam bu kelime.
    sonradan türetilmiş olmalı.
  7. 32.
    @28 panpa oxford corpus da falan gözükmüyor. amerika kökenli
  8. 33.
    şunu çevirin la

    The society was both a mystical religion and one of the
    most productive schools of mathematics in history. A fundamental
    mystical belief of the Pythagorean society was that
    “all is number,” which is to say that the entire universe can be
    explained in terms of numbers. The Pythagoreans had other
    mystical beliefs as well, such as an aversion to beans and a
    belief in the transmigration of souls (that is, that people’s
    souls after death occupy the bodies of animals and vice versa).
    But the principal ideas of the Pythagoreans that have been
    handed down concern numbers. The Pythagoreans assigned
    gender to numbers, saying that odd numbers are male and
    even numbers female. They also worked with figurate numbers,
    numbers that can be identified by a shape when dots
    are used. Square numbers of dots can be formed into squares,
    triangular numbers form dot triangles, and so forth.
    Although the name Pythagoras is most closely associated
    with the Pythagorean theorem (the sum of the squares on the
    legs of a right triangle equals the square on the hypotenuse),
    this theorem was known to the Chinese and probably to the
    Babylonians before the time of Pythagoras.
    When Pythagoreans talked about numbers, they meant the
    natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, and so forth. Fractions are simply
    ratios of natural numbers, so fractions posed no problem. But
    the Pythagoreans proved that objects in the real world cannot
    always be measured completely with natural numbers.
    For example, if the unit chosen to be one is the side of a
    square, the diagonal of the square cannot be measured exactly
    using that unit.
  9. 34.
    @29 ciddi sözlüklere baktım ama arkadaşın bahsettiği anlamda bir kaşılık bulamadım.
    birkaç yerde elektronik bir alet diye geçiyor o kadar.
  10. 35.
    @30 belki de.
    dediğim gibi sonradan konuşma dilinde türetilmiş ve kabul görmüş olabilir amerika'da.
  11. 36.
    @34 hocam -er veya -r eklerini her yerde kullanabiliyoruz konuşma dilinde ama işin bir de literary boyutu var.
    formal dilde ve yazın dilinde bu tip ayrıntılara dikkat etmek gerekir diye düşünüyorum.
    o yüzden "the one who imagine" şeklinde kullandım.
  12. 37.
    şu şekilde olabilir

    history writes people who make something real not to imagine.
  13. 38.
    Date imagine those are not the ones the author