+1i watched tv that olmaz ı saw a documentary on tv, itwas about ...
+1son finally cümlesinde because of this yerine relative olarak whose kulllansan daha iyi olrudu
+1o son paragraf hiç olmamış amk,bi daha yaz
+1bugünlerin bilim adamları diyeceksen nowadays' yapacan onu, türkçe düşünme these days diye.
bi bunu gordum scan edince. -
+1panpa hızlıca bir geçtim üstünden. hafif uykuluyum, yoksa elimden geldiğice düzeltirdim. ama şunu söyleyeyim. noktalama hataların var, zaten bunu ana dili ing. olanlar bile ayırt edemiyor bazen. onu geçtim. pek akıcı gözükmüyor, basit zamanlar kullanmışsın. ve tekrar yapmışsın. bir de "lots of" gibi kalıplar kullanmaktan kaçın essaylerde. bunun yerine "numerous", "a large number of ... " gibi kalıplar kullanman dilini daha geliştirir. ama bunların hepsi bir bütün tabi. sana zaman ve biraz da synonym çalışması yapmanı öneririm. ama levelına göre vocabulary'in iyi.
+11. they tried to cloning ships, and were successful about that however it HAD lived only six years.
2.i watched tv that they WERE changing babies’ dna, and CREATING perfect soldiers.
gördüklerim bunlar panpa başka bişey çarpmadı gözüme -
+1scientists are trying to find out new things continuously, especially in the field of medicine because it is about human health. they have cured lots of diseases, but there are lots of diseases waiting for cure, like cancer, aids etc. i hope, they will make new medicines and new treatment ways. i have some idea about this.
first of all, they will make artificial organs so they can change all organs that have problem. they tried to clone sheep, and were successful about that however it has lived only six years. normally it should have lived twelve years. following years, they cloned many animals such as horse, cow, cattle, and cat. nowadays it is not allowed to clone human but it can be possible in the future.
moreover, these days’ scientists can see your dna, and they can guess your health when babies are at womb. maybe 50 years later, they will have cured all diseases for unborn babies, and they will change babies’ dna. i watched a program on tv in which they were changing babies’ dna, and created perfect soldiers.
furthermore, robots are being used in some operations by doctors as they used it in a heart surgery last year. i hope, they will use robots for all surgeries in the future. it is healthy.
finally, technological developments are great, but it can be problem for ecological system. because of this we should use technology under control
Az biraz düzelttim. hepsini düzeltsem senin yapmadığın anlaşılırdı panpa -
+1@26 eyv panpa buraya koyduktan sonra da baya bi hata farkettim bende biraz daha düzeltmeye çalışcam
- 9.
-1okumadım ve eksiyi bastım.
+1ingilizcem ii ama okumadım. durumumuz yoktu okuyamadım
0@19 evet panpa dalgınlığıma gelmiş düzelttim eyv
0@21 eyv panpa
0@23 eyv panpa
0panpalar gör topal kısa bi essay yazdım taşşağınızı yiyim bakın bi çok önemli bi hata var mı?
Scientists are finding out new things continuously, especially in the field of medicine because it is about human healthy. They solved lots of diseases, but there is lots of diseases waiting for solve, like cancer, AIDS etc. I hope, they will make new medicines and new treatment ways. I have some idea about this.
First of all, they will make artificial organ so they can change all organs that have problem. They tried to cloning sheep, and were successful about that however it has lived only six years. Normally it should have lived twelve years. Following years, they cloned many animals that are horse, cow, cattle, and cat. Nowadays it is not allowed to clone human but it can be possible in the future.
Moreover, these days’ scientists can see your DNA, and they can guess your health when babies are at womb. Maybe 50 years later, they will have cured all diseases for unborn babies, and they will change babies’ DNA. I watched TV that they was changing babies’ DNA, and created perfect soldiers.
Furthermore, Robots are being used in some operations by doctors so they used it in a hearth surgery last year. I hope so, they will operate with robots all surgery in the future. It is healthy.
Finally, technological development is great, but it can be problem for ecological system. Because of this we should use technology under the control -
0like yerine as a koy panpa 2. satır
0@27 eyv panpa
@28 eyv panpa çok yardımcı oldu geliştirmeye çalışıom gibimde deil kimsenin çakıp çakmaması -
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