1. 1.
    panpam hepsii birleştirip bi daha düzemlemeye çalıştım. çok uykum var anca bu kadar yazabildim.

    bak şimdi sana hocaların neye puan verdiğini söyleyeym.

    öncelikle düşünceni belirtip bu düşünceyi en az üç alt düşünceyle desteklemen gerekiyor. her destekleyici alt düşünce için bir paragraf gerekiyor. ve sonuçta yine hepsinden kısaca bahsetmengerekiyor. sen aklına ne geldiyse yazmışşsın. öyle olmaz.

    sabah erken uyanıcam yazıyı bır kes daha gozden gecırır eklemeler yaparım.
  2. 2.
    i didn't read
  3. 3.
    çok hata var be papatyam :* azar azar düzelteyim dur bakıyım
  4. 4.
    face to face education is beneficial or not?

    techonology has improved recently and almost everything has changed, including education. today, you can reach any information all around the world. An answer to "face to face education is beneficial or not?", is that face to face education is more beneficial than any other education types in terms of student-teacher interaction, student-student interaction and teaching strategies in the classroom.
  5. 5.
    face to face education is beneficial or not?

    techonology has improved recently and almost everything has changed, including education. today, you can reach any information all around the world. an answer to "face to face education is beneficial or not?", is that face to face education is more beneficial than any other education types in terms of student-teacher interaction, student-student interaction and teaching strategies in the classroom.

    firstly, face to face education is definitely better because it gives the opportunity of interaction between the student and the teacher in the environment of school. clasrooms are the most suitable places for students to learn anything because there is always a guide for students to ask in need. students can get immediate feedback from the teacher in the classroom and feedback is the most important part of the learning process.

    secondly, interaction between students is essential for learners. students can learn from their peers. the teacher can use group work in the classroom. students will be more motivated and will feel less anxious. instead of rivalry, there should be cooperation between the students.

    and lastly, face to face education is useful because it is directed by a teacher who has the knowledge of teaching. teachers use many strategies according to the needs of their students. they are the professionals of their field so they are more experienced than students. teachers work as a director in the classrooms and this is very advantageous for the students.

    to sum up, face to face education is helpful for students; they can learn from their teachers and also from their peers. The teacher helps students as a guide and director in the classroom so that learning process becomes easier to handle.
  6. 6.
  7. 7.
    panpam bu ne zamana yav yarın erken kalkıcam da bunun baştan yazıılması lazım. yarına acil değilse şimdi uğraşmıyım yarın yazaar gonderırım sana
  8. 8.
    @18 kanka görmedik be editi pardon amk
  9. 9.
    dayanamadım okudum. çoğu cümle kuruluşun bile yanlış amk. nerde okuyon sen. yanlışlarını da söylemicem kudur amk
  10. 10.
    @1 öncelikle başlık cümle olmamalı puanını ordan direkt kırarlar
    secondly:giriş paragrafına adam akllı bir şey yaz amk ne bu ön sevişme olmadan sexin zevki çıkmaz genel birşeyler yazacaksın ki merak uyandırasın
    for example:bir soru cümlesiyle başla why peaple need sex? mesela bu sadece bir örnek
    edit:do you know what i'm saying(çaktın mı köfteyi anlamında kullanabilirsin bunu da arkadaşlarına hava at)
  11. 11.
    başlıkta sıkıntı yok şimdilik bence ama ilk cümledeki it is include education facia. orayı silip including education yazacaz

    @23 o dediğin slang olur adam essay yazıyo amk sokak dili olmaz

    in the world yerine all around the world yazmamız lazım. cümle globallikten bahsediyo çünkü

    aslında başlarken de until nowadays yerine recently kullansak perfect tense cümlesine uygun gitmiş oluruz
  12. 12.
    And lastly, face to face education is useful because it is directed by a teacher who has the knowledge of teaching. Teachers use many strategies according to the needs of their students. they are the professionals of their field so they are more experienced than any other student. teachers work as a director in the classrooms and this is very adventageous for the students.
  13. 13.
    @24 panpa iki sene öncesinde biz yazdığımızda hoca başlığın cümle olduğunu görünce paragrafın hepsini çükülüyordu ondan dedim tabii şimdi sistemleri nasıl onu bilmiyorum
    @1 sonuç cümlelerinde as a result,in yhe light of these observations we can say that gibi kalıplar da kullan
    işe yarar
  14. 14.
    Firstly, face to face education is definitely better because it gives the opportunity of interaction between the student and the teacher at the environment of school. clasrooms are the most suitable places for students to learn anything because there is always a guide for students to ask in need. Students can get immediate feedback from the teacher in the classroom and feedback is the most important part of the learning process.
  15. 15.
    @26 panpam yemin ediyorum çok teşekkür ederim lan
  16. 16.
    Secondly, interaction between students is essential for learners. Student can learn from their peers. The teacher can use group work in the classroom. students will be more motivated and will feel less anxious. instead of rivalry, there should be cooperation between the students.
  17. 17.
    çeviririm ama 50 kağıt panpa. ayrıca kim yazmış amk. arka arkaya iki tane nowadays mi denir at kafası anlatım bozukluğu yapmış.
  18. 18.
    @14 ulan züt yardım edecektim bak bu hareketine vazgeçtim. hele ki özeleştiri yapmıştım kırkyılda bir. yarramı ye kal amk. ben aa ile vermiştim writing dersini
  19. 19.
  20. 20.