1. 9.
    amk Türkçeyi zor konuşuyoz
  2. 8.
    today's edge of dream has "Argentina" in it...
    Argentina is a country located in the South America. Argentina ranks second in the South America, and eighth in the world by surface area. Argentina was named after the Latin word "argentum". What the Spanish colonialists hoped to find in these territories can be easily seen from the name of the country.
  3. 7.
    today's dreams corner for argentina

    argentina is a country which is at south america.

    the land which argentina has,is the second biggest in south america and the eighth biggest land in the world.

    name of argentina comes from argentum(silver)

    it's clearly understandable from the name what mine spanish colonists hope at this land.
  4. 6.
    CCC inci sözlük hayrına upçular timi ccc
  5. 5.
    @3 ya bi gibtirgit
  6. 4.
    @2 bana bu lazım
  7. 3.
    our dreams corner today, to argentina ...

    argentina, south america is a country located in the continent.
    owned land in southern argentina americas 2 and 8th in the world it is the largest territory.
    i argentina argentina latin name (silver) comes from the word. spanish colonists in this land of
    what is hoped to find the country's mineral
    as the name clearly understood.
  8. 2.
    lan bi gibtir git aç wikipediadan ingilizce arjantin sayfası herşey yazıyor orda
  9. 1.
    Şunu adam gibi çevirene n6.

    bugünkü hayaller köşemiz, arjantin için...

    arjantin, Güney Amerika Kıtası’nda yer alan bir ülkedir.
    Arjantin’in sahip olduğu toprak Güney Amerika Kıtası’nda 2. dünya genelinde ise 8. en büyük topraktır.
    Arjantin’in adı Latince ‘’Argentum’’ (gümüş) kelimesinden gelir. ispanyol kolonicilerinin bu topraklarda
    bulmayı umduğu madenin ne olduğu ülkenin
    isminden de açıkça anlaşılabilir.