0You tell what you are by the friends you seek
By the very manner in which you speak
By the way you Employ your leisure time
By the use you make of dollar and dime-
You tell what you are by the things you wear
By the spirit in which you your burdens bear
By the kind of things at which you laugh
By the records you play on your phonograph
You tell what you are by thee way you walk
By the things of which you delight yo talk
By the manner in which you bear defeat
By so simple a thing as how you eat
By the books you choose from well-filled shelf
In these ways, and more you tell on yourself
So there's really no particle of sense
In an effect to keep up false pretense-
anonymous -
0fucking mother fucker
0roses are red
violets are blue
I always fuck your mom
when your dad goes through -
0i asked to yellow flower
do you have mother and father
flower says stop ey father
my mother and father are earth -
0Ardahanda yasıyorum babayiğit
Ardahan ağzı ile yaz ingilizce de neymis
Selam olsun benden sana.
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 30 01 2025
malum barlıkı
sağlıksız gıdanın ruha iyi gelmesi
insanın ama susadığı saatlerdeyiz
insan beyninde bir başkasının beyninde
arka analımdan sıcak osuruk çıktı
beyler askıda eskort kampanyası
ahmet türk türk değil
bu mq parası kolay kolay birikmiyor
arkadaki zütten anal yapacak
bir iran erkeğini arka deliğimde arzuluyorum
taşaklarımla beynimi ameliyatla
ameliyatla dana taşağı diktirsem
ahh arka analım yarılıyor
arka analımı yırtana kadar gibip
zaten bu kadar geri zekalının olduğu bir yerde
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