1. 54.
    A light breeze produced a dry rattling sound from some nearby bushes. It lifted delicate little veils of dust from a few sandy patches nearby and shifted a lock of dark hair across the forehead of the woman sitting on the wood and canvas camp chair which was perched, not quite level, on a patch of bare rock near the edge of a low ridge looking out over the scrub and sand of the desert. In the distance, trembling through the heat haze, was the straight line of the road. Some scrawny trees, few taller than one man standing on another's shoulders, marked the course of the dusty highway. Further away, tens of kilometres beyond the road, a line of dark, jagged mountains shimmered in the baking air.
    By most human standards the woman was tall, slim and well muscled. Her hair was short and straight and dark and her skin was the colour of pale agate. There was nobody of her specific kind within several thousand light years of where she sat, though if there had been they might have said that she was somewhere between being a young woman and one at the very start of middle age. They would, however, have thought she looked somewhat short and bulky. She was dressed in a pair of wide, loose-fitting pants and a thin, cool-looking jacket, both the same shade as the sand. She wore a wide black hat to shade her from the late morning sun, which showed as a harsh white point high in the cloudless, pale green sky. She raised a pair of very old and worn-looking binoculars to her night-dark eyes and looked out towards the point where the desert road met the horizon to the west. There was a folding table to her right holding a glass and a bottle of chilled water. A small backpack lay underneath. She reached out with her free hand and lifted the glass from the table, sipping at the water while still looking through the ancient field glasses.
  2. 53.
    @1 have you got a brain?
  3. 52.
    opın kem, i sex yu
  4. 51.
    fuck you motherfucker cauese you fuck your mother!

    -lanet olsun sana, seni kahrolası. çünkü sen de kendi annene lanet edersin!
  5. 50.
    are u sex?
  6. 49.
  7. 48.
    (bkz: böyle şişme bebek görmediniz)
  8. 47.
    suck my dick
  9. 46.
    am günü yağ
  10. 45.
    i gave your şuku bitch
  11. 44.
  12. 43.
    dün bir incici kardeşimizi manisaya askere

    bi yardım edin yorulmazsınız amk
  13. 42.
    @1 son of the bitch
  14. 41.
    @1 son of the bitch
  15. 40.
    show boobs
  16. 39.
    @23 güldüm bin .
  17. 38.
    i pulll 31 everyday then i take gusul abdest
  18. 37.
    i am sex
  19. 36.
    suck my penis
  20. 35.
    ... am am am am... (ingilizce düşünüyo)