0@28 sağol panpa nick6'nı girdim
+1essay ödevini bize mi kitliyosun lan?
i 1usually 1feel 1tired 1during 1the weekend1s. bec1ause i am going to my classes at the university and i also work out in the gym. weekends mean a time to relax for me. if i do not have to do anything like my homeworks, i choose to stay at home, relax and liston to some mu1sic. if i get really bored, i go to play some foo1tba11 or spend some time with my mate1s. since i get up early during the we1ek, i s1leep a lot at weekends. usually, i just take so1me time off, listen to music.
al bin. -
+1şuku or whatever you want.ı usually feel myself tired at weekends.
sadece bunu çevirebildim panpa. yalnız first class mı economy mi bilemem. -
0@23 pastebin.com sitesine yaz panpa linkini at?
0girilmiyor kardeşim çeviriyoruz olmuyor snaa başka nerden ulaşabilirim pm atsamda olmuyor yine boş oluyor amk
0I always feel tired at the weekends. because I study at the universty or go to the gym at the weekdays. The weekends are just relax for me. If I have no homeworks or some works relax and listening music are good to me. If I am bored I go to play football or spend time with my friends. I sleep much at the weekends because of I get up early at the weekdays. But generally I prefer take on my headset and listen music or just get some rest.
0hah amk paste bin e koyunca geldi
- 19.
0@6 önemli panpa denesene birkez daha
@12 yolla be panpa üşenme işte daha yazacam birde onu bir iki birşey daha ekleyebilirsen ekle panpa -
0@16 lan her yerden yolladıklarım boş geldi bunlar gidiyo amk. yarın da dersim var allahtan öğlen. sinir oldum amk
0beyler inboxa yolluyorsunuz ama onlar boş geliyor dıbına koyim niye böyle lan?
0şimdi dostum türkçelerinin de zamanlarını çarpık yazmışsın, düzelterek yazıyorum.
i usually feel tired on week-ends. because i study and go to gym on week days. week-ends are all about relief and relaxation to me. if i have nothing to do such as homework, i prefer to relax and listen some music at home. if i get too bored, then i go playing football or hanging out with my friends. i sleep a lot because of getting up early on week days but usually i just put my earphones up and relax by listening music on week-ends.
yani genel durumları şimdiki zamanla anlatmışsın onu geniş zamana çevirdim, problem varsa yazarsın. öperim -
0(#99170740) şimdi dostum türkçelerinin de zamanlarını çarpık yazmışsın, düzelterek yazıyorum.
i usually feel tired on week-ends. because i study and go to gym on week days. week-ends are all about relief and relaxation to me. if i have nothing to do such as homework, i prefer to relax and listen some music at home. if i get too bored, then i go playing football or hanging out with my friends. i sleep a lot because of getting up early on week days but usually i just put my earphones up and relax by listening music on week-ends.
yani genel durumları şimdiki zamanla anlatmışsın onu geniş zamana çevirdim, problem varsa yazarsın. öperim -
0@12 yaz panpa ne yazıyorsan ya bana yarına lazım ilk günlerden yarra yemiyelim hazırlıkta kalmayalım ak
+1aynı şeyleri tekrarlamış durmuşsun ne için çevirceksen çevirme bırka cümleyi de biz yazalım amk
ben çevirdim ama yazmaya üşeniyorum amk kolay cümleler yaz googletranslate e çevirsin amk problem çıkmaz -
0@8 amk işte çevirirken çok zaman geçiyo session past oluyo yollamıyo
+1@1 oha lan okadar ingilizce bilsem tüm entryleri ingilizce girerim
0noluyo lan gıtmıyo amk
0I usually feel tired at the weekend because im going to lessons in my college and also going to gym. Weekends are only times when i relax.If i don't have any homeworks or things to do , relaxing at home is more appealing to me.If i got bored i go to play football with my friends or spend some time with them.I sleep more than usual because i wake up early during the week.But i usually wear my headphones , listen to music and relax at weekends.
I need to translate this to first class English help me Nighters :S
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