1. 26.
    I always feel tired at the weekends. because I study at the universty or go to the gym at the weekdays. The weekends are just relax for me. If I have no homeworks or some works relax and listening music are good to me. If I am bored I go to play football or spend time with my friends. I sleep much at the weekends because of I get up early at the weekdays. But generally I prefer take on my headset and listen music or just get some rest.
  2. 27.
    girilmiyor kardeşim çeviriyoruz olmuyor snaa başka nerden ulaşabilirim pm atsamda olmuyor yine boş oluyor amk
  3. 28.
    @23 pastebin.com sitesine yaz panpa linkini at?
  4. 29.
  5. 30.
    şuku or whatever you want.ı usually feel myself tired at weekends.

    sadece bunu çevirebildim panpa. yalnız first class mı economy mi bilemem.
  6. 31.
    essay ödevini bize mi kitliyosun lan?

    i 1usually 1feel 1tired 1during 1the weekend1s. bec1ause i am going to my classes at the university and i also work out in the gym. weekends mean a time to relax for me. if i do not have to do anything like my homeworks, i choose to stay at home, relax and liston to some mu1sic. if i get really bored, i go to play some foo1tba11 or spend some time with my mate1s. since i get up early during the we1ek, i s1leep a lot at weekends. usually, i just take so1me time off, listen to music.

    al bin.
  7. 32.
    @28 sağol panpa nick6'nı girdim