-6ingilizce bilmeyen sefiller giremez edit: rezerv alın çok değerlenir buralar
edit2: böyle güzel bi başlık açan panpanızın nickaltını da unutmayın .
edit3: bunu söylemesem olmaz şimdi = fak dı sistım
edit4: bu kadar kültürlü binler olduğunuzu bilmiyodum lan -
+2 -1one day i am surfing in the school garden my teacher is say me come on mehmet give me pen ejgeopeaıdjadopjafpj poaj kahkaha attım amk yazdığıma
+2 -1is there any vagina?
+2 -1so why are you here?
+2what can I do sometimes
+1 -1you have a pussy i have a dicka so what's the problem let's do it quick
shlock shlock shlock -
-2some of a bitch
-1you can chatting other people in here my friend
+1while I am leaving work in english to a man "pussy-day-rain(or oil)" ee surely fucking a obstetrician would be assumed
note: you may not get anything from the sentence above try to check "inci sözlük legend subtitles" -
+1anyone can read this? "Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch" use vocaroo
+1your sister mother father uncle aunt grandfather grandmother msn friends kundaktaki baby gibsin
+1one day I was walking around the school garden teacher called me Mehmet come here
you're welcome sir
said the pen is
Five of the seven took off my waist taken
said the book is
took the court papers
said the map is
my beauty I left my body there, you have three to five razor wound or
took them to work
ney teacher said they
three of the five razor wound teacher
You think that if a god of psychopath
three of the five razor wound, but do not know that he
fond memory of hazel eyes
Play keke Play -
-1my girlfriends hot mom *
+1one day im hanging around the school garden. my teacher called me " come here mehmet".i said " yes sir " , she said show your pencil , i showed my 7,65 , she said show your notepad , i showed court papers ,she said show me a map , at this moment my darling , i showed my razor blade wounds , my teacher asked me " what are these ?? " . " sir , these are razor wounds ! as if you supposed me as god of psycho ! but you dont know those razor wounds are memory of my darling's hazel eyes... play keke plaaaaaaay !!!
-1yeah niggas now we can speak without high school bastards.
-1how are you my friends .
+1ay am hir are you disco?
-1ok i m here.
+1they said there was pussy,so we have came .
-1ım here guy
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