1. 126.
    adamın zütünden kan alırlar kamil kan

    they can take blood from the man's little bitch ass kamil blood
  2. 127.
    open the middle: orta aç
  3. 128.
    denizden babam çıksa yerim:

    I eat my father if he come out from sea
  4. 129.
    kara tren gecikir de belki hiç gelmez, dağlarda salınır da halimi bilmez...
    black train delas maybe never comes, it rocks at mountains and doesn't know my situation too...
  5. 130.
    What's the connection : ne alaka
    ossuruktan tayyare selam söyle o yare : airplane out of the fart, say hi to that sweetheart
    acele işe şeytan karışır : urinate quickly satan mixes
  6. 131.
    yolcu yolunda gerek
    passinger must be at its way
  7. 132.
    şimdi gibi tuttuk: we grasp the cock now
  8. 133.
    atını giben kovboy: the cowboy who fucks his horse
  9. 134.
    garışık guruşuk yatıyonuz, adamı günaha sokuyonuz...
    you lies mixed and kixed, you pushs the man in to the sin...
  10. 135.
    master bring it some burning turning somethinks

    usta bize yanarlı dönerli bişiler getir
  11. 136.
    bu laflar boy boy, seni giben maktul kovboy...
    these all words is size by size, the your fucker is the murder cowboy...
  12. 137.
    - did it go to your power ?

    - gücüne mi gitti ?
  13. 138.
    It is going to my nice.
    Look at the difficult of the mad!
    What happens, what does not happen.
    My eye was afraid.
    There will be no friend of the one who falls.
    One hand of yours is on the butter, and the other is on the honey.
    Yesterday is yesterday, today is today.
    There is a no at every work.
    My head is turning.
    Your heart is clean.
    It is heavy like a dead donkey.
    Divorce and eat your packsaddle.
    Only that comes from my hand.
    I won’t let your hand sink into cold water from hot water.
    Don’t make so, let me love your eye.
    Someone who loves the rose, bears the thorn of it.
    Hand baby, rose baby.
    I am not from the men you know.
    He appeared as if falling from the roof.
    Boiling waters were poured downward from my head.
    I remained in blood, sweat.

    türkçelerini de siz bulun yannanımın antenleri.
  14. 139.
    sıraya gir : enter the desk
  15. 140.
    bak yapma demiyorum hobi olarak yap gene.

    lo0k.i am not telling you to not do it.you can do it as a hobyy again.
  16. 141.
    kol bozuk ya: the hand is broken
  17. 142.
    senin gelmişini geçmişini 7 sülaleni giberim amcık
    i fuck your things that was came, your past, your 7 stirpes little pussy.
  18. 143.
    @1 malmısın dıbına koduğumun bodosu.
  19. 144.
    ağzına veririm kulakların şınav çeker
    i give to your mouth, your ears get push-ups.
  20. 145.
    @13 ne forumu lan gibik 1 tek arasıra girdigim forum war oda müzik forumu arasırada dedelerexclusive'e takılıorm