1. 1.

    'benficayi yeneriz ama galatasaray bizi hep giber' bunun ingilizcesi ne

    not:oropu cocuklugu yaptiginizi anlayacak kadar ingilizce biliyorum bosa yirtinmayin :d
  2. 2.
    Big matches are easier than the others, every times we have the control the games, under the control the games during the games.
  3. 3.
    hepinizin amk lan niye beni disliyonuz amk niye hiç bi basligima yazmiyonuz
  4. 4.
    it's probably cat.. nevermind
  5. 5.
    @3 gibtir git yarram :d
  6. 6.
    what can ı do sometimes
  7. 7.
    i am gay and everyone knows this bu panpa
  8. 8.
    we can win against benfica but galatasaraqy can alays fuck us
  9. 9.
    @16 Baboli yanlış okumusum ilk cümleyi. Lâkin O ing çok yanlış sayılmaz bu cümlede.
  10. 10.
    we can beat benfica but gs takes us down all the time.

    al bu da modifiyeli
  11. 11.
    we win to benfica but galatasaray always fuck us
  12. 12.
    we're the great sons of bitches. because we're fan of galatasaray sk.
  13. 13.
    we can beat benfica but gs always fucks us.

    however this statement is highly incorrect. the correct form should be "we can beat benfica just like we raped galatasaray back in '02.
  14. 14.
    Fener beats benfica but galatasaray are years old. Thank you
  15. 15.
    ı am a donkey
  16. 16.
    we can kick benfice but gs always fuck us *
    not:x üniversitesinde ingilizce hazırlık okuyorum.
  17. 17.
    benficayi yeneriz ama galatasaray bizi hep giber
    we get benfica but gs always fuk us
  18. 18.
    it doesnt matter for me benfica or fener can fuck me but actually i want to make out with gs
  19. 19.
    we beat benfica but gs ever fucks us. yarım yamalak biliorm oldu olmadı mı emin değilm
  20. 20.
    it is a buk panpa