0he lost his job last year. now, he is finding a job. he is reading newspaper for apply for a job because he does not like to be unemployed. he is waiting for a job interview.
now true verison;
he lost his hands in an accident now he wont be able to do handjob for his tokmaker.he applied for another tokmaker but ex-tokmaker heard of that and he seemed like ali kırca.he tried made an interview and then tokmak'd him again -
0Google translate'den daha kötüleri de varmış.
0he lost his job olmaz gibi panpa. he was sacked last year olsa daha iyi gibi
0@21 dıbına koyim o kadar değiliz:d
0@23 olur panpa...
0he still can't find a job de amk finding a job olmaz yarraam
0@23 niye olmasn la
0hiçbir sorun yoktur...
not:ing öğrtmeniyim -
0doru lan şukuluk cumle walla
0@1 güzel panpam özet geçiyorum: are you sex yazıyosun yolluyosun
0nerelisin sen panpa
0he has lost his job last year. he's looking for a new job and he's reading newspaper to apply for a job because he does not like to be unemployed. he is waiting for a job interview.
0@31 liverpoolluyum kanka
0grammar i yanlış yazmışsın bin yok sana cevap
0he fired last year. now, he is looking for a new job. to purpose of that, he reads newspaper to apply for a job. Since, being unemployed is making him feel bad. now he is looking forward for a job interview.
şu cümleyle hocanın bile dıbına koyarsın master english yani. he ama beginnersan ki öyle görünüyo, yazma plagmarizm den giber zütünü. -
0o geçen sene işini kaybetti. şimdi, o bir iş bulmaktır. o işsiz olmak istemem, çünkü bir iş başvurusu için gazete okuyor. o bir iş görüşmesi için bekliyor.
zaaaaaaaaaaaa -
0@35 eyvallah kanka beginner maalesef:D
0he lost his job last year. now, he is trying to find a job. he appied for a job and he has got a job interwiev tomorrow yap gitsin amk
0@35 he was fired olur o. doğrusu bu kardeşim.
he lost his job last year. now, he is looking for a job. he reads newspaper to apply for a job because he does not like to be unemployed. he is waiting for a job interview. -
0@1 aq pici. fatih terimden de berbatsin lan
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