1. 26.
    he lost his job last year. now, he is finding a job. he is reading newspaper for apply for a job because he does not like to be unemployed. he is waiting for a job interview.

    now true verison;

    he lost his hands in an accident now he wont be able to do handjob for his tokmaker.he applied for another tokmaker but ex-tokmaker heard of that and he seemed like ali kırca.he tried made an interview and then tokmak'd him again
  2. 27.
    Google translate'den daha kötüleri de varmış.
  3. 28.
    he lost his job olmaz gibi panpa. he was sacked last year olsa daha iyi gibi
  4. 29.
    @21 dıbına koyim o kadar değiliz:d
  5. 30.
    @23 olur panpa...
  6. 31.
    he still can't find a job de amk finding a job olmaz yarraam
  7. 32.
    @23 niye olmasn la
  8. 33.
    hiçbir sorun yoktur...
    not:ing öğrtmeniyim
  9. 34.
    doru lan şukuluk cumle walla
  10. 35.
    @1 güzel panpam özet geçiyorum: are you sex yazıyosun yolluyosun
  11. 36.
    nerelisin sen panpa
  12. 37.
    he has lost his job last year. he's looking for a new job and he's reading newspaper to apply for a job because he does not like to be unemployed. he is waiting for a job interview.
  13. 38.
    @31 liverpoolluyum kanka
  14. 39.
    grammar i yanlış yazmışsın bin yok sana cevap
  15. 40.
    he fired last year. now, he is looking for a new job. to purpose of that, he reads newspaper to apply for a job. Since, being unemployed is making him feel bad. now he is looking forward for a job interview.

    şu cümleyle hocanın bile dıbına koyarsın master english yani. he ama beginnersan ki öyle görünüyo, yazma plagmarizm den giber zütünü.
  16. 41.
    o geçen sene işini kaybetti. şimdi, o bir iş bulmaktır. o işsiz olmak istemem, çünkü bir iş başvurusu için gazete okuyor. o bir iş görüşmesi için bekliyor.

  17. 42.
    @35 eyvallah kanka beginner maalesef:D
  18. 43.
    he lost his job last year. now, he is trying to find a job. he appied for a job and he has got a job interwiev tomorrow yap gitsin amk
  19. 44.
    @35 he was fired olur o. doğrusu bu kardeşim.

    he lost his job last year. now, he is looking for a job. he reads newspaper to apply for a job because he does not like to be unemployed. he is waiting for a job interview.
  20. 45.
    @1 aq pici. fatih terimden de berbatsin lan