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0panpalar dreamweaver isimli programda commands sekmesinde bir seçenek bulunmadığı için yapmam gerekenler yazıyor burda. beşinci adıma kadar yaptım. editleme olayına ingilizcem yetmiyor yardım edene şuku + nickaltı
6- find a file named "menus.xml" and copy it, then paste back into same folder. this should create a backup copy called "copy of menus.xml".
7 - now you have to edit the menu.xml file either in a text program or another program such as i used, frontpage 2000.
8 - if you use dreamweaver, make sure you exit out after saving. i did not use dreamweaver to edit the file, notepad or notepad2 would be a better bet, to save possible errors.
9 - now you use the find feature, and search for this entire string:
file="commands/sort table.htm" id="dwmenu_commands_sorttable"
10 - copy the next string i will provide, and insert it right after the above string in one line:
menuitem name="format table" file="commands/format table.htm" id="dwmenu_commands_formattable" / ((left out the < >, otherwise blog won't post. see screen shot below for accuracy.))
11 - save the menu.xml file, and reload dreamweaver.
12 - you should now see the format table as a menu item under the commands menu.
note: when i went to copy the three files over, one already existed and i did not over-write it. i left the one file there alone. and i can still use the format table option.
i was not the creator of the fix for this file, just found the fix through some lengthy searching on google, and use different keywords in the search.
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