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0panpalar dreamweaver isimli programda commands sekmesinde bir seçenek bulunmadığı için yapmam gerekenler yazıyor burda. beşinci adıma kadar yaptım. editleme olayına ingilizcem yetmiyor yardım edene şuku + nickaltı
6- find a file named "menus.xml" and copy it, then paste back into same folder. this should create a backup copy called "copy of menus.xml".
7 - now you have to edit the menu.xml file either in a text program or another program such as i used, frontpage 2000.
8 - if you use dreamweaver, make sure you exit out after saving. i did not use dreamweaver to edit the file, notepad or notepad2 would be a better bet, to save possible errors.
9 - now you use the find feature, and search for this entire string:
file="commands/sort table.htm" id="dwmenu_commands_sorttable"
10 - copy the next string i will provide, and insert it right after the above string in one line:
menuitem name="format table" file="commands/format table.htm" id="dwmenu_commands_formattable" / ((left out the < >, otherwise blog won't post. see screen shot below for accuracy.))
11 - save the menu.xml file, and reload dreamweaver.
12 - you should now see the format table as a menu item under the commands menu.
note: when i went to copy the three files over, one already existed and i did not over-write it. i left the one file there alone. and i can still use the format table option.
i was not the creator of the fix for this file, just found the fix through some lengthy searching on google, and use different keywords in the search.
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 28 12 2024
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