0moved in,
go on,
turn up,
go away,
take off,
put up with,
get on.
panpalar her kelimeyle bir cümle kurmam lazım yardım edin
cümle yazan herkese nick altı + şuku
üniversite hazırlıktayım. -
0@1 yarinki ingilizce sinavina kopya mi istiyosun sarper dogru soyle
0@1 aç sözlüğü bak bir sürü örnek vardır cümlelerde uzundur hem bin hadi koaly gelsin bak saat geç oldu yapta ödevini yat hemen
0- My girlfriend had moved in with me but we broke up last month so she left.
- Look, two shifts a day, so little salary at both, kids are out of school; you can't go on like this.
- I waited for them at the busstop for an hour, they didn't turn up
- My daughter does not wish to talk to you, please go away.
- It's been two hours and the party started to get boring, shall we take off?
- He's beating you in front of your kids, wake up woman, you don't have to put up with all this.
- What she told me that she moved back in her family's house because she was not able to get on with the other girls at the dorm. -
0That bloody drunk has finally turned up his toes
nallari dikmek hesabi -
0@1 sinif arkadasim misin lan yoksa? Yarin ispiyon var olm, aldim capsi...
0@17 sıçmışsın
0the way people go on about their ancestors
0bana birisi redhouse sözlük linki atabilirmi ?
0she put up with her children's noises.At least, she screamed and said '... (shut up your mouth fucked boys)'
0took off the morning train
0@23 hangi üni panpa
0@17 agır sıcmıs amk
0the plane crashed on take-off
0@26 tureng.com
0şuan ingilizce öğrenmek istiyorum en baştan internetten ingilizce kelimeler ve anlamlarını öğrensem yol kat eder miyim? napmam lazım sizce?
0I couldn't put up with her dumbass lies and told her to go the fuck away
2 in 1 hesabi -
0they moved in a big house last year.
we go on reading the story after the school everyday.
you should turn up the volume. I cant hear the music.
the girl went away after she left me the note.
the plane takes off 15 minutes later.
I have been putting up with your children for 5 hours.
when I got on the bus, I realized that I had forgotten my wallet at home.
simdi bunlari defterine gecir ve yarin ogretmenine goster.. -
0hepsine ,den sonra please ekle
0i like the moved in
go on lick my ass
turn up your hole
go away from my dick
take of your skirt
put up with say hoooo
get on my coq
simple present tense terkim amk
tyler dursun annesinin namuusnu koruyor
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 09 01 2025
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rasat o anani got deliginden
kaç para ulan bi kadın
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pgiboloji bozuk yeni sakinleştirici vuruldum
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